I would guess you’re trying to run the terminal variant of cataclysm, and not the tiles variant.
First important thing is to make sure you’re not on an ARM-based chromebook, because arm-based ubuntu has difficulty with i386 and x86_64 processes and their libraries.
I’m not sure if cataclysm has an ARM variant, or if ubuntu has an emulation layer for arm, so you might have issues.
Once you do that, you need to verify that you have the libraries required to run this program. The jenkins builds are all 32 bit, so you might need to compile yourself if you’re running the 64bit version of ubuntu (default for chrubuntu). Normally I’d recommend adding multiarch with dpkg --add-architecture i386 instead of compiling, but I’ve found libsdl2mixer breaks a lot of things if you try to install the i386 libraries for it.
typing into a console “sudo uname --m” will notify you of your distribution type. i686 is the more recent moniker for a 32bit system (was i386. They’re basically the same thing), x86_64 is the moniker for 64bit, armhf for arm, etc.
If you’re running 32bit, skip everything below down to “Install Dependencies”
If you’re running the 64bit version, then you should probably compile it. Compiling is pretty straight forward, but if you really really really don’t want to then you can try skipping down to ‘install dependencies’ below and trying that first, and seeing if cataclysm will run despite using 64bit libraries.
This is a pretty straightforward guide to get yourself a working git pull and to install: http://www.wiki.cataclysmdda.com/index.php?title=How_to_compile#Ubuntu
All of the dev packages have their base libraries included as a prerequisite.
You can compile the normal ncurses variant by leaving out TILES=1
It also shouldn’t hurt to add NATIVE=linux64 , even though it should be automatic.
You also might want to add LOCALIZE=0 , because ubuntu doesn’t come default with the localization libraries required for building that and I forgot what the package was called off the top of my head. (also those instructions don’t go over installing it anyways)
You’d end up with “make NATIVE=linux64 LOCALIZE=0 TILES=1” or whatever
Capitalization is actually pretty important to unix-based systems, so yes those words in capital letters aren’t typos.
\ Install Dependencies
You’ll want to satisfy dependencies to run this program.
This should satisfy the running dependencies (but not compiling, which you shouldn’t need if you’re just running the jenkins builds)
“sudo apt-get update”
and then
“sudo apt-get install ncurses-base libncurses5 libncursesw5 libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 lua5.1”
Either way, after all that you should be able to run cataclysm via ./cataclysm-launcher
Also, if you’re running chrubuntu, the default user password for sudo is ‘user’. If you installed it yourself through seabios though then it’s whatever you set it to.
For crouton, I forgot, but I think it mentions it or has you set it in the install instructions.
Unrelated to getting this all running; just some tips for Ubuntu:
you can also install aptitude by doing “sudo apt-get install aptitude”. This is basically a more featured version of apt-get.
With aptitude, you can do things like “sudo aptitude search lua5.1” and it will list everything on your repositories that are available that either contain that string in their filename or summary. You can then type "sudo apt-get install " to get that file from your repositories and automatically install it. This is useful for when you’re missing dependencies, but if aptitude doesn’t find anything then you’ll either need to do more advanced stuff with dpkg or get the apt-file program to do a more in-depth search. If that doesn’t work, you might need to find more repositories like the webupd8 team’s PPA or the ubuntuX, who carry stuff that’s not on the default ubunbu repositories or just isn’t as up to date.