"Choose Headlight Direction" takes f***ing forever

Title is pretty self-explanatory, but I’m just wondering if anyone else experiences this while assembling vehicles? The game seems to freeze horribly when I add headlights to vehicles, and I have absolutely NO idea whether using the directional buttons and/or the numpad works correctly. Any help with this issue?

When it pops up to choose the direction, press enter, then move the cursor in the direction you want the light then press enter again. It confused me too. Also its the direction from how the vehicle is actually facing, not based off the up down diagram view.

When the popup box comes on you have to press enter to get rid of the popup.

Thank you both!

While this is here, why cant we do that from the vehicle menu so we dont install the headlights in relation to how the vehicle is facing.

If the car isnt straight you arent going to get a completely accurate install.

I just install a floodlight. Same power drain as a single headlight.

Same here. Plus you can install it in middle of the vehicle and it won’t break every single time you touch something.

Same here. Plus you can install it in middle of the vehicle and it won’t break every single time you touch something.[/quote]
I install 4 headlights so that I can see in front of me but cant be seen in kind. Id argue that the FoV is good enough like that, and I can still put headlights inside the car like you can a floodlight, and that the darkness offered keeps less zombies interested in me.