Changing Font doesn't work?

Okay, I’m using windows tileset latest experimental.

I edited my FONTDATA file to look like that:
“fontblending”: false,
“fontwidth”: 16,
“fontheight”: 16,
“fontsize”: 16,
“typeface”: “whitrabt”,
“map_fontwidth”: 16,
“map_fontheight”: 16,
“map_fontsize”: 16,
“map_typeface”: “whitrabt”,
“overmap_fontwidth”: 16,
“overmap_fontheight”: 16,
“overmap_fontsize”: 16,
“overmap_typeface”: “whitrabt”

whitrab.ttf is put into font folder and the font itself is installed in Windows. What am I missing? Thу game still doesn’t show any changes.
The font has been taken from this link:

You need to add the font to the fonts json

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Now THAT worked. Thank you!

I’d recommend this font to anyone, that looks great and authentic.