CBM Recovery from your own corpse

I want to suggest the ability to get back the CBMs you old character used back if you butcher the corpse.
I tried it already with survial skill set to 20 on multiple corpses, but it did not yield any CBMs so I assume its not possible.
Would require some high survial skill, maybe mechanic/ first aid or electronics, too

That’s a great idea, although it requires a little bit of extra data. On the other hand, we’re planning on tracking what components a crafted item is made of, which is very similar - and might even allow code reuse.

One thing to keep in mind is that dead characters should rise. AFAIK they aren’t immune to Goo.

Electro-mutant-speed Hulk anyone?

This would be a problem if my previous character would raise from the dead.
Bionic Blaster left arm with solar panels passive with a deagle in the right hand(dang the blaster rocked!!!). It would be a remake of the terminator!

[quote=“TheRealTenman, post:3, topic:1318”]One thing to keep in mind is that dead characters should rise. AFAIK they aren’t immune to Goo.

Electro-mutant-speed Hulk anyone?[/quote]

At least my current character will be long deleted by the time this happens. The last thing I need is to fight a giant, muscle bound, cyborg tentacle zombie. I’ve seen enough hentai to know how that would end.

[quote=“TheRealTenman, post:3, topic:1318”]One thing to keep in mind is that dead characters should rise. AFAIK they aren’t immune to Goo.

Electro-mutant-speed Hulk anyone?[/quote]
You’re already infected; it’s in the water supply. I’d say that killing a Reanimated PC (@ ?) ought to be worth something.

But that’s a long-term project if ever there was one.

Screw the loot, I’d nuke my current character on sight!

That said, being able to get some of my bionics back after a “Where the fuck is my goddamn teleporter?!” moments would be nice.