CBM Mini-Flamethrower not working?

I know to look at your bionics is p however when I tried to use the mini-flamethrower it would not let me select it on the bionic screen after installation? Not sure if this is broke or I am doing it wrong so someone please help, thanks.

Just used one to torch the evac shelter so they work fine.

When you installed it did it saw it was a faulty installation? Press “p!” and whatever key it’s set to and it should tell you.

In the event of a faulty installation I don’t know what to do other then hoping for a horrible failure installing something else that ends up removing it for you. There might be another way but I don’t know how.

It said it installed successfully upon installation so I figured it was fine, I pushed p tells me it’s active and tried pushing the corresponding letter but did nothing. Not sure unless I have to get power first before I can use it after installing? Was my first CBM Installation so not sure if I was missing something. Tried looking at the wiki for controls how I found out about the p shortcut for them other than that no clue.

Do you have power? < Stupid question but still.

Yeah, think that was my problem even though it did not tell me I did not have any. I guess I figured it would come with power after installation. I will find out when I find another CBM, ever since I had a kid I been forgetting things or not thinking clearly lmao.

Edit: I went back to the wiki, I did not have any power due to not having a battery unit installed and so on. Thanks again.

[quote=“Necrucifer, post:5, topic:605”]Yeah, think that was my problem even though it did not tell me I did not have any. I guess I figured it would come with power after installation. I will find out when I find another CBM, ever since I had a kid I been forgetting things or not thinking clearly lmao.

Edit: I went back to the wiki, I did not have any power due to not having a battery unit installed and so on. Thanks again.[/quote]

Remember after getting a battery you’ll also need a power supply (ethanol burner/solar panels/exc,)

Yeah funny thing is I had a CBM solar panel or whatever installed as well but guess it was useless without a battery haha. Thanks though least I know to look out for ethanol burners now and so forth.

Booze powered flame thrower. Theres nothing better… Solar powered night vision!