Cataclysm: Horizon - Release 0.1 alpha

Hi all! I’m pleased to announce the first release of my 3d visualizer for C:DDA maps, Catalcysm: Horizon.

For more information and download instructions, visit the website!

This will be the official place to discuss anything related to the program. Comments, remarks, suggestions, anything that you don’t want to open an issue on github for goes here.

I want to thank everyone for their positive feedback on reddit that helped me push this release through. Special thanks also goes to SomeDeadGuy for maintaining the amazing tileset used in the screenshots.


Wow that could lead to some really amazing stuff! Nice. Can’t wait to see what the world looks like when z levels is more fully developed and there are hillsides and general verticality to the world. Keep up the good work :smiley:

Excited to see what people post from their worlds. Full tours of the bases they built and such. Vehicles and entities are probably a long way off… if ever doable for something like this… but the possibilities make the mind swim.

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Weird question maybe but would this let me map out the entire revealed map for a survivor? That’s what I get from reading the discription but I don’t want to assume.

Cool stuff either way but I’d love to actually get a proper perspective on how far some of my more long term survivors have actually travelled.

Vehicles and entities are probably a long way off… if ever doable for something like this…

It’s not hugely difficult to do, and definitely will be done if I continue with this project seriously.

Weird question maybe but would this let me map out the entire revealed map for a survivor?

Sort of. It will show you the areas that the game has actually generated maps for. So anything in a roughly 3 overmap tile radius of where you’ve been to. Here’s what that looks like for your typical traveling survivor:


No no, that is perfect, ty! :+1:

I’ve had some pretty long journeys before and really wanted a complete map but the idea of trying to stitch something together via the snipping tool was just horrifying.

Fantastic job!

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This looks amazing! How does it handle anything modded? Normally that kinda thing would be just a symbol, do you have like 3D symbols or something?
I’m thinking I might wait a bit until this is a bit more developed, and I will 100% use this once everything is a little more complete.

pretty sure it just displays the texture-pack, so whatever the texture pack shows it what it shows

If that were true, how exactly would creatures look?

…exactly as they are displayed in the texure packs. Have you ever seen what a minecraft player, or mob texture looks like? Its litterally a single image that just has all the sides displayed, like an origami fold line A to line B kind of thing. Or a box before the cardboard is folded. however since most of the textures were never intended to be 3d, they wouldn’t have textures for the sides and backs. Iso textures might work well though.

It does not care about mods - you just need to have necessary tiles in the tileset.

And here I was thinking only a loaded gun could blow my mind; incredible!

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This is awesome! Any plans on displaying tunnels and basements? Or can it do that already?

Tunnels and basements are regular overmap terrains just like other buildings.

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oh i just missed it before lol it really shows them! :star_struck: