Can't get Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 to compile

It give me and error message

1>------ Build started: Project: Cataclysm, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Project file contains ToolsVersion=“12.0”, which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion=“4.0”.
1>C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platforms\Win32\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.Targets(511,5): error MSB8008: Specified platform toolset (v120) is not installed or invalid. Please make sure that a supported PlatformToolset value is selected.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

edit i should add that it was a clean untouched copy of the code that id just down loaded from CleverRaven’s github

Yep. We were afraid of this, but VC++ doesn’t fully support the C++11 standard. So we finally gave up on supporting Visual C++, etc.

I’m gonna recommend Code::Blocks, for what it’s worth. Sorry, Funk. :frowning:

You might have better luck with VC 2012 or 2013, but since Microsoft doesn’t fully support C++11, it might be a lost cause.

Microsoft doesn’t fully support VC 2012 or 2013 on my system.

Ok so have installed Code::Blocks, i start it up and tell it to open CataclysmWin
then it give me an error message.

Deactivating the compiler plugin is most unwise.
If you intend to open a project, you have to re-activate the compiler plugin first.

i guess this will be “fun”.

Ok so i’ve reinstalled Code::Blocks, it turns out i was missing a compiler.
I must say it is nice to be able to choose.

Does GNU GCC compiler work?

[quote=“Funk, post:5, topic:6267”]Ok so i’ve reinstalled Code::Blocks, it turns out i was missing a compiler.
I must say it is nice to be able to choose.

Does GNU GCC compiler work?[/quote]

That’s the one I use, I think: says MinGW when I hit the Build button FWIW.

gcc, mingw, mingw-64, and clang all work fine, it’s really just the microsoft compiler sucking.

To be fair, the first three are gcc-variants, whereas clang is a direct gcc replacement for Apple, so really all you’re saying is that compilation works with gcc, and gcc happens to be very popular. =P

And as a totally separate issue, VC, and MS in general, suck mightily.
This isn’t a matter of some particular feature, this is supporting the language.
And alternately supporting backwards compat with VC 2013.

Don’t get me wrong, VC is a great IDE, it’s just too bad it’s bolted onto a compiler that’s more interested in business strategy than compiling your code for you.

Vurtual Box + Debian/Ubuntu + ncurses,sdl2,gcc… -> cross build to win32 with tiles. It’s easier than build with MSVC.