Can we have different strings for "saddle"?

Hi, I’m working on the argentinian translation.
Could we have separated strings for “saddle”: to mount an animal, and “saddle”: to drive a bicycle?
In spanish we have different words in those cases.
Thank you.

I only find the string "saddle" used in the context of the vehicle part, could you elaborate?

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Maybe the horse is considered a vehicle in game? That could be the problem…
In Argentina we use “asiento” to seat on a bicyle or motorcycle, and “montura” to seat on and ride a horse.

The only places I see the string "saddle" alone is when it’s in reference to the vehicle part. Everything that refers to saddling a horse is part of a larger sentence that is not used for vehicles.

Where are you seeing them use the same string?

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Oh, my bad, now I understand…
I’m translating but I’m not actually playing the game that much… I thought with the addition of mounting, there was a “saddle” item for horses. But, like you said, it’s just on sentences.
Thank you!

EDIT: This string is why I thought there was a saddle for horses.
I appreciate it, I’ve got this old saddle I want you to have. I’ll be happy to put a horse under it if you want to do some more heroics.

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The item here is referred to as horse tack.

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