[BUG] [Build 8631] Mini map has vanished

Hello! i’d like to report a thingy which i think is a bug, cause i’ve been playing for a while and yesterday everything was fine til i update to this latest build.

It’s all small and missing minimap.

Or i think i just had the big dumb.


Check Options/Graphics Pixel minimap height

mine was set default to 0 changed to 10 and it returned.

It does not seem to matter if you set it to 10 or 100 the mipmap remains the same size (smaller than before).

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Did you try the hotkey that turns the minimap on and off?

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So } will open the sidebar Admin menu to change the option on the side bar.

I tried to turn the minimap back on with Nand it crashed the game though.

There’s already a github issue 28813

Yup N crashed me out and there’s no minimap like there used to be at all. Whew holy shit this is going to be problematic till it gets fixed.

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