Bigger cities and fewer zombies

Hello, I have done some testing on my own to confirm this and i have scene a pattern. I have cities on size 8 just because i like bigger cities. However i have looted almost the whole city and have not found many zombies. Their was a few stragglers here and their but i could not see anything like if i had the cities on 6. The outskirts are also empty. So just asking if their is a problem with it or not and i am on 1.2 scale factor.

thank you

Try increasing spawn rate then. It certainly has an effect.
Also, turn on horde spawns.

Perhaps you’re on dynamic spawn. Could be it, but if so, just make some noise and wait for some time and zombies should come.

Thanks for the reply guys. I did try some of your suggestions but dynamic spawn has no effect whatsoever. I did increse the spawn rate to 2 and did notice a little more activity.

Well, you can jerk the spawn rates up to 50, last I knew, so I would experiment with raising the numbers until you are satisfied with the amount of z’s in your world.
Personally I really hate dynamic spawn worlds, and I’ve always viewed that setting as more of a challenge for the particularly brave players and less of a realistic rpg.

It is possible that you are encountering a bug, but I would try using a high spawn ratio and static spawn setting to double check before you delete and re-download the game.
After this, I would just clear it and download again.

Also, what version are you playing?
If this is an experimental, then bugs are kind of expected.
If it’s an old version, I would definitely recommend downloading the most recent version.

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