Bedroom window missing curtains

I don’t know how to get the map gen info but this building but the bedroom window on this building does not spawn with curtains. I don’t know what these voyeurists are doing with a curtain-less window in a bedroom… but I assume its a missed tile. Is there a way I can fix little bits like this? Seems like a good first project. Overly simple. Add curtain.

West Side:

So to start off. How do I find out what building this is/ name of this specific house?

I don’t think generated houses have ID of the mapgen data on them.
The simplest way would be to get something like grep (there are many windows equivalent of grep too) and searching for “window”.

For example, calling grep like:

Showed that houses 10, 14, garage 4 and gardener have instances of non-domestic windows. Some of those may be intended.


Id do that. Im a very, very vain person.

Um… Ok. I’ll see What I can do with that.