Aspirin is good for you!

Soooo… I may have gone debug mode with one of my characters and I may have taken about 6k+ pills of aspirin…And IT WORKED (119 points of pain repressed)!!! That’s right folks, Aspirin apparently has zero side effects! Even when taken at ridiculously dangerous amounts!..Is this supposed to happen?

I’ll be impressed if you can actually manage to scavenge 6,000 aspirin legitimately.

(But seriously that’s kinda weird. Maybe you took so much that it repressed the side effects?)

I’ll be impressed if you can actually manage to scavenge 6,000 aspirin legitimately.[/quote]
Uh, you missed a bit.
Anyway it makes an amusing image of a guy just chugging down bottle after bottle of aspirin. Mouth full of pills as he swallows and almost chokes while bring up the next bottle to down.

There aren’t really any side effects for taking a kilo of aspirin, that’s the point. It does make you more likely to catch a common cold, but inhaling aspirin like this would actually make you quite sick.

I haven’t noticed aspirin actually doing anything to help in game, it doesn’t seem to help pain any, so I don’t bother looting it.

Someone needs to draw this

[quote=“HunterAlpha1, post:5, topic:5470”]I haven’t noticed aspirin actually doing anything to help in game, it doesn’t seem to help pain any, so I don’t bother looting it.[/quote]I’ve always seen it deal with very small amounts of pain (i.e. no more than 5 or 6) every time I’ve used it. That’s just one fellow’s experience, though.

It reduces pain and isn’t addictive. The effect it has on pain is easily noticable if you’re paying attention. It’s good to use under the 15-20 pain threshold.

I only ever used like, 5 at once. I thought I would either die or explode.

Did someone say pills!?



Well, IRL aspirin thins your blood out a little bit. Dunno how you would code that though. Though taking 6000 vitamin pills would kill you irl as well.

[quote=“jimboblordofeskimos, post:13, topic:5470”]Well, IRL aspirin thins your blood out a little bit. Dunno how you would code that though. Though taking 6000 vitamin pills would kill you irl as well.[/quote]No kiddin’! We recently found out that the reason my mom has been getting weaker in the past few months was because we had been giving her aspirin regularly, which was causing intestinal bleeding. I really wish I’d had her taken to the hospital sooner, she might not have gotten so bad :frowning:

Yeah if you’ve ever had surgery, dentist they always tell you not to take Aspirin two days before. It increases bleeding. Didn’t this game just have a bleeding issue?

Well in general taking 1 aspirin a day is supposed to be healthy. As it reduces inflammation.

Well, you can technically overdose on water too, but it’s not likely to ever become an issue for most people.

The EMTs I knew in university would usually laugh at the people who tried to kill themselves using aspirin as the chances of actually managing to do so was ridiculously low.

They adopt a grim, cynical sense of humor those folks, probably have to.

[quote=“Belteshazzar, post:17, topic:5470”]Well, you can technically overdose on water too, but it’s not likely to ever become an issue for most people.[/quote]In high security prisons it’s a common means of committing suicide.

I recall from the Alt.Suicide.Holiday FAQ that that is quite a painful way to go.

I recall from the Alt.Suicide.Holiday FAQ that that is quite a painful way to go.[/quote]More painful than a shiv?