My heavily modified AR-15 is not leaving behind expended shells. It’s using .223 Remington ammo in a drum magazine. I realize this may be part of some of the mods I use. If so, if someone knows which one please let me know and I’ll report it to the mod author instead.
Yes, I know it does. And no it’s not. Now I just went and modded a M4A1 and fired it using the same ammo. I fire it once and all of a sudden I have 12 shells in my inventory. They weren’t there before. I specifically checked.
PS: Any idea why a STANAG drum mag doesn’t work in an M4A1?
I specifically went to where I knew there were more zombies. Now with a M4A1 I’m shooting .223 Reminington ammo and no casings are showing… WEEEEEIRD! I still have 12 in my inventory.
Ok. I think I have some idea of what’s going on. It’s waiting till I unload the weapon to generate the shells.