Android, or please help noob

So I wanna ask, my cataclysm on my phone isnt working right, im about internet version, not play market one, just apk file.

This icon like Z appear aaaand… this game just dont download files, dont do anything, around hour lying on table and just poof - nothin anyone had problem like that?

I’m having the same issue here, the latest android version isn’t working properly.

The game is displaying some issues related to the saves, templates and sound folders.

There seems to be a correlation between the crash and the @Malkeus modpack, I’m not 100% sure, tough.

Wow, the pack works on Android? Or…it did? Neat! Sorry, got nothing to contribute, just surprised.

It works perfectly! (or at least used to).

I tried downgrading but I still don’t know what’s causing the crash… I guess I’ll update the modpack and see what happens.

Please keep me in this investigation, I just idk what with this sheet. I mean game is pretty perfect, I wanna play it again and again… but what thw fuck, it cant download files as fine as google play version do, maybe it is version problem?

Here also the latest versions are poor performance and bugs

Try downgrading, it worked for me.

Didn’t had the same success on the modpack, though.