Allowing sprites bigger than one tile

This patch allows tileset authors to define one or more of their sprite sheets has having larger (or smaller!) sprites than the tile size. For each sprite file an x/y offset can be given from the normal tile placement. Also included is a test tileset which is a clone of RetroDays10px with the fire sprites replaced with a 16x16 sprite with a -3,-6 offset (bottom aligned, horizontally centered on the 10x10 grid).

I’d like some feedback from tileset authors on functionality and usability here. I’ll remove the retrodays test tileset once there’s a real updated tileset to push here (probably from @Chezzo).

NOTE: this is not meant for huge sprites. No ten-tile hulks. This is meant for things that spill outside their tile border by a few pixels.

what happens if you try to make a ten-tile hulk?

A ten tile hulk sprite would make it hard to tell which tile the hulk is on, to attack or avoid. And it would simply draw over/under a bunch of other stuff with no gameplay impact.

Presumablyan actual multi-tile hulk would be able to attack with its arms, and possible legs/whole body slam.

A graphically-enhanced hulk tht occupied one tile would be at the center. Not hard to differentiate, honestly.

Hey! I just joined the forums to say that this is an immensely useful tool for artists. I’m currently working on a tileset with a 32x32 grid / 32x64 tiles and this is exactly what I need. If I ever finish my tileset and expand it with some modern/sci-fi graphics, I’ll definitely be making use of this. Keep up the good work!

Zelda-perspective tilesets have been something I wanted to enable ever since starting work on isometric mode. I look forward to seeing yours in game.