This patch allows tileset authors to define one or more of their sprite sheets has having larger (or smaller!) sprites than the tile size. For each sprite file an x/y offset can be given from the normal tile placement. Also included is a test tileset which is a clone of RetroDays10px with the fire sprites replaced with a 16x16 sprite with a -3,-6 offset (bottom aligned, horizontally centered on the 10x10 grid).
I’d like some feedback from tileset authors on functionality and usability here. I’ll remove the retrodays test tileset once there’s a real updated tileset to push here (probably from @Chezzo).
A ten tile hulk sprite would make it hard to tell which tile the hulk is on, to attack or avoid. And it would simply draw over/under a bunch of other stuff with no gameplay impact.
Hey! I just joined the forums to say that this is an immensely useful tool for artists. I’m currently working on a tileset with a 32x32 grid / 32x64 tiles and this is exactly what I need. If I ever finish my tileset and expand it with some modern/sci-fi graphics, I’ll definitely be making use of this. Keep up the good work!