"Air-Drops", "Chemical Breakdown and Re-creation", "3D Printing", and more

[quote=“Duros, post:6, topic:6885”]Thank you for your feed back :slight_smile:

As far as the air drops go its really just a function of the crafting system, so you really just “craft the crate out of a flare, then breakdown the crate into its “true components” which are the contents of the ordered crate”. If I misunderstood please let me know and explain further :), yet to clarify I have NOT coded an event where a plane drops the crate after the flare is fired, that is very much beyond me. I feel like my current system is a cheap cop-out now lol.

That’s a good point about durability, I based the current system off of the “multi-tool” that is in game right now, like a swiz-army knife, and the lock picks suffer damage so I assumed other tolls would suffer ware and tare too. So your idea would be to make it a “tiered progression” type system? Like "Resin/plastic --> metal --> alloys etc? Hmm, I like that idea…if that’s what you’re suggesting? :D[/quote]

In the case of the air drop, I was suggesting you could just have the flares creation “trigger” a drop event occasionally (the event is already in the game’s code). However, cheap cop outs are how all coding projects start out (as long as they are quick and easy).

In the case of durability, another possibility is to give it charges. Once its charges are all used up, maybe you could melt it down and get back a small amount of the materials, but aside from that it’d be useless. My original point on durability was based on how cata is moving to handle tools; every tool has a specific “quality” required by the recipe, and plastic would just have an extremely low quality (like 1, maybe 2).