Advice for Urban Nomads

Anyone play characters that wander from city to city, foraging for food in the houses, never staying in a house/city for too long?

I’m trying to play as one after rolling a high str character (can finally move furniture around to block windows and doors), any advice?

So far, I’ve already found 2 guns (1 quite powerful, the other not so much but uses 9mm) and a reflex bow (!).

The real problem seems to be lighting and skill gains. Staying in the shelter, you have free light and time to grind skills. Not so in houses, since it raining almost all the time.

Also, storage becomes an issue; what are essential items to carry?

The easiest way to deal with a nomadic lifestyle is to have a vehicle for quick getaways, a constant decent sleeping spot, and storage space. Even an ice cream cart dragged behind you works wonderfully, as long as it remains powered.

A flashlight, a can, a skewer, a gas mask, 2 bottles, a weapon, a lighter, a sewing kit, and a knife. All else is optional

A flashlight, a can, a skewer, a gas mask, 2 bottles, a weapon, a lighter, a sewing kit, and a knife. All else is optional[/quote]

A frying pan or Mess Kit do the job of a can and a skewer, while allowing you to make more recipes. The frying pan can also be used as a weapon and the mess kit serves as a hotplate.

A flashlight, a can, a skewer, a gas mask, 2 bottles, a weapon, a lighter, a sewing kit, and a knife. All else is optional[/quote]

A frying pan or Mess Kit do the job of a can and a skewer, while allowing you to make more recipes. The frying pan can also be used as a weapon and the mess kit serves as a hotplate.[/quote]

But the extra 3 volume GASP.

Although having access to more recipes is often worth the extra 3 volume.

Personally, my advice is to get skilled at bow quickly. Since you’ll want to be carrying a lot of bags, it’s best if you can kill zeds at range. Bow is far superior to guns in that it is essentially silent allowing you to avoid unnecessary adds. Also, night vision. When I’ve done nomads, they tend to travel at night. With night vision and weak smell, you can often avoid conflict while travelling between locations. Also, take the time to get electronics up and keep your eyes peeled for a book with the light strip. It lasts a nice long time and allows you to read wherever you are. If you can get one, a survivor’s knife is great for giving you both cutting and sawing ability. If you’re being super nomadic, most of the time you’ll be eating whatever you’re finding, so water is a bigger focus than food. I don’t know if you are playing the experimentals, but if so, I like to have an atomic coffee maker. Just keep checking coffee shops. With that, you’ve basically got water purification sorted forever, and you can save those batteries for when you find a welder.

My strategy prioritized having fewer items over less volume, with the idea that you can drop stuff as needed to get down to a reasonable encumbrance should you have to melee. Having Quick and/or Fleet Footed helps. With that in mind, I usually have one gallon jug and a couple plastic bottles. Also, if you can get them, a toolbox, a mess kit, and some basic meds.

Dont worry about having a ton of bags on you. Only carry your weapons on your person. Just drag a shopping cart with all your supplies. That way, if you have to fight, you dont spend time dropping a bunch of back packs.

And on top of that, the cart is a mobile bush! So you can bludgeon zombies by kiting them onto the cart and abuse the movement penalties.

Get a car. Seriously.