Honestly, early on I would say its less about fighting and more about speed. You need to be faster than the things that can attack you, and you need to get in (to town, or into whatever area has stuff you need) then get out. Like was already stated, fleet footed and such almost make this too easy, but if you keep yourself moving as fast as possible without those things, you should be able to escape “most” of the threats.
Things to keep in mind for keeping speed up:
-Encumbrance, particularly of the lower extremities, can give you a penalty to speed.
-If you don’t start with shoes or wear shoes that slow you down swap em out for something decent as soon as possible.
-Pain is your enemy, if you get hit, you get pain, and pain slows you down, early on, pain killers like codine can help immensely (also raw speed from meth and such as well to help you escape).
-You get minor speed penalties for hunger and thirst, so try to keep topped up when your raiding.
-Don’t go over your max volume… just because the game will let you doesn’t mean you should, it adds torso encumbrance and slows you down.
-train your combat skills on weak targets only early on, child zombies (in small numbers) or dogs are a good way to get some relatively safe skill.
-travel on roads or sidewalks and other flat surfaces, but try to put objects (shrubs, trees, cars, buildings) between you and zombies chasing you as well, but dont be afraid to duck into narrow gaps between buildings. Zeds are dumb, and they pretty much go straight towards you regardless of how hard it is to get to you so use that to your advantage.
As stated above, if you must fight in melee, and early on you probably will not have many other options (though throwing things can help wear down approaching enemies), make sure your torso encumbrance is as low as possible, early on 1 or 0 till you can afford to lose some dodge/melee. Always go with a melee weapon with high positive to hit values as you can find. Having any clothing covering a body part, as long as it doesnt affect speed/dodge too much, will help. Your biggest danger in early melee is not the damage itself but the pain slowing you down, or getting an infected bite wound. Cauterizing can stop the infection MAYBE but the pain it causes you will still be killer if you are not careful. Pain Resistant can be a great trait to have in this case.
Edit: I forgot about the recently added rollerblades/skates etc. They result in an amazing boost in speed relative to your enemies provided you use them on smooth surfaces, if you find a pair (fits is best) slap em on and you should be able to outrun a lot of early threats with ease. Just dont use them while fighting/offroad.