So harder achievements is what is called for ey?
!SCIENCE!: Kill 100 enemies with magma, 500 with fire, 100 with acid, 100 with explosions and 50 with electricity
Child abuse: Clear a school while naked and armed only with a zucchini
David and goliath: Kill a hulk by only doing damage with a sling.
Doing it wrong 1: Maintain enc with a total sum of 40 for 10 straight days.
Doing it wrong 2: Melee 20 turrets with the same char.
Doing it wrong 3: Get 50 kills with an unpowered chainsaw, 50 with an unpowered circular saw and 50 with an unpowered electric carver.
But is it big enough?: Build a vehicle more than i map tile long or wide.
Green warrior: Seal off 10 waste sarcophagi with one char.
Dumbass that could: Build a mininuke with a char that has a base int of 1.
Rehab is for quitters: Have 5 addictions at once.
Child abuse 2: Clear a school wearing the dinosaur suit and wielding a chainsaw.
Whut?: Get run over by an unmodded car.
BECAUSE ITS THERE: Get to the bottom of a slime pit.
Me and THIS ARMY: have 100 friendly blobs on screen at the same time.
Urist: Survive only on cat meat and alcohol for 1 week.
NOT A-FUCKING GEN: Have 3 modded cars destroyed by triffid queens.
Prepared: Carry 2 entire cars worth of car parts in your car.
Tactician: Get 500 kills with the same char from burning buildings.
Strategist: Wipe out 5 fungal blooms with ICBMs with the same char.
WOOOOOOOOOOO: Maintain a meth high for a solid week.
Sleep when you die: Dont sleep for 2 weeks straight.