A Newb's Progress (aka : any tips would be fantastic )

Static + hordes[/quote]
nice progress .you could add some funiture in cellar for aestetic and storage purposes.[/quote]

Yesssssss. Organize everything and make appropriate containers for everything. Let the apocalypse be uncluttered.
(badass base)[/quote]

Holy poop. That’s awesome!

In general, it’s really quite easy to make some space underground with an electric jackhammer. In comparison, trying to construct walls aboveground is far too time-consuming.

Lately, though, I’ve been considering just that. Doesn’t have to be anything massive, but enough space aboveground to have multiple storage areas. Just plain 2x4 walls and whatnot.

Here’s also a compact version I made in a playthrough before the big base, though this may have been the same character. Dining and bar table included for flavor. Floor below is perishable food storage:

I did construct an aboveground base from scratch. Built it from mining rocks and making stone walls. Took at least one 90 day season to finish; my survivor at the time was fed on a diet of atomic coffee to keep him awake at all times during construction.

jesus christ these bases
i know i said i like orginization but i meant all in one room , thats too much orginization even for me
pretty sure its called dedication

yeah, i just have a death mobile with a 5x5 cargo area. with cargo carriers or installed machines(kitchen, chemistry lab, etc) gives me plenty of space.

Never really got into deathmobiles, so I ended up gravitating to making bases. In any case, usually I just repurpose rooms to become big storage areas instead of making multi-room bases. Mansions, sewage treatment plants, the locked middle room in refugee centers, and the odd house here and there. Firestations can also be nice, though that one can be real vulnerable to hordes depending on the location.

That said, when it comes to vehicles I still make them fairly large. 4x5 cargo carriers, armored everywhere, and can generally plow through several tiles of forests before needing repairs here and there.