6+ months of agonizing "realism" nerfs have ruined this game

This, so much this, It would make computer skill something useful for more than stealth B&E.

[quote=“TheWumpus, post:60, topic:12504”]And to think I wanted to petition to make working on vehicles MORE complicated, requiring a vast array of specialty tools, take longer, have the risk of damage/failure if it’s right at your skill level, and implement even more parts (air compressors, air lines, transmissions, differentials, consumable fluids, etc). Sure glad I never got the draft of that off the ground. Of course there would time reductions for being very skilled, good lighting, smooth surfaces, and having access to air tools and wobbly sockets and a whole slew of the other 15 grand worth of shit I roll around the shop.

I guess I just want to share the !!FUN!! that comes with being a real mechanic. Maybe a mod…[/quote]

Oh, wow; I like complicated but that would go too far even for me!

I guess that means my list of mineral deficiencies for plants (with visual hints like purple leaves for phosphorus deficiency or yellow-white on the edges of leaves for nitrogen burn) would not be so helpful after all. And I was really looking forward to a sudden heavy rain after a drought causing my tomatoes, squash and melons to split open too. Or having to put things under my pumpkins during wet seasons to keep the bottoms from molding.

After never having played without filthy clothes oh my god it’s so much better. You can actually use zombie loot now, it’s like a whole new game.

[quote=“TheWumpus, post:60, topic:12504”]And to think I wanted to petition to make working on vehicles MORE complicated, requiring a vast array of specialty tools, take longer, have the risk of damage/failure if it’s right at your skill level, and implement even more parts (air compressors, air lines, transmissions, differentials, consumable fluids, etc). Sure glad I never got the draft of that off the ground. Of course there would time reductions for being very skilled, good lighting, smooth surfaces, and having access to air tools and wobbly sockets and a whole slew of the other 15 grand worth of shit I roll around the shop.

I guess I just want to share the !!FUN!! that comes with being a real mechanic. Maybe a mod…[/quote]

So after a while of not playing, and even longer to touch into vehicles, I decided in this new game to just put a couple frames together, put an electric motor and storage battery on it to power a minifridge. From what I remember, you could just hit ‘f’ and it would put batteries into the storage battery. Now it won’t. Who would change this, what is the procedure now, and why was it changed for gods sake???

EDIT: After changing my google search from ‘cataclysm dda reload storage battery’ to ‘cataclysm dda refile storage battery’ I found a reddit thread that asked the same question. Someone answered that question. So, if I have an empty storage battery, I’m just out of luck unless I find another one? I’M TOTALLY NOT VOMITING RIGHT NOW.

First post ever! Have been playing this for a couple of weeks and its a pretty amazing game, reminds me of the original Wasteland I played on the Commodore 64, except its so much more! I do miss the story in Wasteland that is missing here, but we are rewarded with a huge universe where the stories are made up by the events as you go. I prefer it this way!

Back on topic, now that the filthy clothes system is gone, the early game is so much better! I haven’t really gotten really far in my 2 weeks so have been stuck in the early game and as a beginner, this change back to how it was is amazing. Makes the early game less tedious and fun. As a beginner I have lots of restarts both due to random deaths not knowing what to do, as well as experimentation with the world creation settings (many of which were disasters, either too hard or too easy) and now I am much more likely to continue exploring the world even after my character dies.

Kudos to an amazing team of developers! Can’t believe its taken this long for me to discover this gem of a game. I have stopped playing Overwatch and 7 days to die as this is so much more compelling! (Can’t wait for A15 of 7 days though, but that game will forever feel lacking now that I have played this monster!)

Thanks zeds.

Wasteland was an epic game.

Ever wonder what its like to shot a rocket at a farmer who was training and breeding an army of war rabbits?
Ever want to shoot first and ask why your target was in a wheelcahair later?
Ever want to get stuck in san diego?

well, with wasteland, you can

Maybe in the most technical of senses, Electric Vehicles in general of have definitely been heavily nerfed though as some design choices that once were effectively limitless in drive times struggle to make it through a 12 hour drive without needing to recharge batteries for 4-7 days depending on weather.
Its most certainly not limited to problems with deathmobiles either, since trying to make a solar powered bike with one cargo space nets the same effect without the ability to just slap more solar panels on it.

The only upcoming feature that I really find unbearably realistic is the vitamins tracking on food. Even without the penalties being applied on the debuffs the changes on these lines made it almost impossible to get positive health effects without a leukocyte breeder implant and if any penalties did start being added on those debuffs it would certainly make vitamins effectively mandatory for survivors to get their hands on and start using.

Guns getting magazines made me stop looking at non-laser/arrow based ranged weapons all-together due to the scarcity of magazines when it was implemented but I believe that’s been mostly addressed.

NPCs requiring food and water makes sense, but now you have to baby sit them. I haven’t been to the Refugee Center since that hit but if it effects those NPCs too there’s not much point in having them turned on at all then since they’ll all starve to death before you can do much with them.

The book recipe learning nerf is inconsequential to my playstyle but probably is a headache for nomadic players.

Filthiness is annoying but one bar of soap will probably cover every piece of clothing you’ll ever wear that gets directly taken from a zombie, if this got expanded on I’d probably dislike it far more.

NPCs requiring food and water makes sense, but now you have to baby sit them. I haven’t been to the Refugee Center since that hit but if it effects those NPCs too there’s not much point in having them turned on at all then since they’ll all starve to death before you can do much with them.[/quote]

Last I knew, only your followers need to eat, and even they can’t starve, they just get increasingly bad debuffs and you lose reputation with them.

Not having to babysit them would be nice, but I dont find their current state too annoying, just give them a lot of water and canned food once in awhile.

Um. What the fuck. I thought a certain star-spawn moved the filthy clothing fuckup to a mod? Why is Squeamish still in mainline?

Scratch that, filthy clothes still show up in vanilla. Now where’d I put my steamboat… -_-

They don’t for me. You must be playing a version that’s too old.

I am using the latest Windows graphical build, 5464. ಠ_ಠ

[shadow=red,left][/shadow][quote=“Random_dragon, post:72, topic:12504”]I am using the latest Windows graphical build, 5464. ಠ_ಠ[/quote]

They did move it, dunno about the trait.

Yes, I KNOW for fucks sake. That’s why I’m not sure why the fuck these features are re-appearing despite my having not enabled Filthy Clothing mod. >_>

Try updating your build with the launcher if you have a character you care about. I could show you screenshots of non-filthy zombie clothes, I have no idea why it’s not working for you.

The only thing that could’ve happened is if you downloaded a build that was 1 or 2 builds before the build that removed filthiness and the time gap was so narrow that it was hard.

Wait a minute. Yes, Squeamish is still in vanilla. But it seems that picking it for shits and giggles is why the clothing suddenly showed up filthy.

The PR Noctifier linked me to has an issue mentioned, apparently they did the same thing as I did and trial-and-error’d the fucking solution out of it.

[quote=“Rivet, post:64, topic:12504”][quote=“TheWumpus, post:60, topic:12504”]And to think I wanted to petition to make working on vehicles MORE complicated, requiring a vast array of specialty tools, take longer, have the risk of damage/failure if it’s right at your skill level, and implement even more parts (air compressors, air lines, transmissions, differentials, consumable fluids, etc). Sure glad I never got the draft of that off the ground. Of course there would time reductions for being very skilled, good lighting, smooth surfaces, and having access to air tools and wobbly sockets and a whole slew of the other 15 grand worth of shit I roll around the shop.

I guess I just want to share the !!FUN!! that comes with being a real mechanic. Maybe a mod…[/quote]

  1. Top Kek
  2. Are vehicle interactions (time, tool requirements) hard coded? I’ve managed to track down the parts jsons with corresponding skills needed, but if I did happen to want to make such a mod would it be possible without learning C++ and compiling my own executable?

I keep seeing all these ‘Ew magazines’ and ‘Screw the filthyness system’ posts flying around. My question is, the hell else are you here for? I don’t know what you guys want if not these “crippling” realism aspects, because that’s why I play Cata dda, and other roguelikes. For the realism, for these exact nerfs that all of you are whining about. I wouldn’t be entirely lying to say i’d love a nail growth and trimming mechanic installed. I wouldn’t be lying at all to say I wouldn’t fault the game for having it. You all seem to forget you’re playing an apocalyptic survival game.

The more nerfs they add, the better. That’s my two-cents.

It’s the filthy morale penalty.
You can still pick squeamish and it will forbid wearing things. Just that if you don’t, you don’t get any penalties.

[quote=“pisskop, post:67, topic:12504”]Wasteland was an epic game.

Ever wonder what its like to shot a rocket at a farmer who was training and breeding an army of war rabbits?
Ever want to shoot first and ask why your target was in a wheelcahair later?
Ever want to get stuck in san diego?

well, with wasteland, you can[/quote]

Dude, we are revealing our ages! As long as we are reminiscing let us see if you remember these references and where they are found in the game:

Three breasted whore

Can’t believe is 30 years old now! Games haven’t really come a very long way… they peaked rather early on. My character in Cataclysm is called Snake Vargus btw.

(As an aside: you seem the person to ask: What do people mean when they say in the context of spawns: dynamic vs horde??? I don’t know what they are referring to when they say horde? is that the classic zombie mode in the options menu? Also with your reimagining mod, is it compatible with the other mods (the ones in the launcher?), what mod list do you play with active in your playthroughs?)