Yet another balance whining

So, after pondering around randomly and pretending that i’m smartypants thorough researching I’ve found some crucial things that should be changed - not immediately, geez, maybe they shouldn’t ever be changed if it’s too complicated or whatever excuse devs could find

  1. Smoke. Choking to death and filling half of a prison with the smoke by burning pair of socks or a single wooden plank? Really? Or is it just a cruel joke and no matter what I set on fire it just transforms into a pile of dead raccoons doused in gasoline and piss - because this is the only way I could explain that shitloads of smoke which can kill you in the blink of an eye.
  2. Encumbrance penalties. Okay, so, my arms are encumbered now. Why the creck I start shooting worse while in real life I only waste a little bit more time to aim and lose zero accuracy? And I know what I’m talking about, goddamit, I’ve wasted a year of my life in army.
    Another problem - eyes encumbrance. What the hell is that and why it works in that way? Why in the hell I start to see worse when I’m wearing my glasses and safety glasses over them? Sweet cheesy jabberwocks. I understand when I’m wearing sunglasses - they’re really hampering your perception. Or welding goggles. But… when eye encumbrance changes when I’m wearing safety glasses and reading glasses - I’m dying inside a little. Just limit amount of simultaneously wearable eyewear to two units. Seriously.
  3. Swamps. I’ve broke a truck with three layers of superalloy plating in front driving through. Clear enough, isn’t it?
  4. Perishing.

cooked meat perished in 8 hours
temperature outside: -20 Celsius
Come on.

  1. Fire. Well, spray can flamethrower makes game a cakewalk. You can even destroy jabberwock in a few turns by dropping your T-shirt on the ground and igniting it three times in a row. Nerf it just a little. Please.

tl:dr - everything is shit nerf nerf nerf hurr durr derpity derpydurr

Perishing of consumables is independent from temperature.

I agree about smoke and eye encumbrance.

I’ll address the points in order:

  1. Smoke shenanigans:
  • Known issue, in the running for things to fix soon as far as I am aware.
  1. Encumbrance shenanigans:
    *A) Arms – A few things need to be altered to make it take time instead of turning accuracy into a pile of mush. I’ll add it to the things to look at.
    *B) Eyes – I have been wondering the same thing, it could definitely use more nuance in the system. Might be doable with opacity values on eyewear?
  2. Swamps
  • They are bugs mutated to be huge and all consuming monsters, and swamps have a lot of them. Swamps could do with some work though to keep populations less insane. I’m not sure how strong superalloy plating is supposed to be offhand though. Do you have an idea of how many insects you killed from swamp entrance to whenever it broke down (or exiting the swamp if you escaped)?
  1. Perishables
  • I don’t think that perishables are coupled to ambient temperatures at the moment. Should be though.
  1. Fire
  • I agree that it needs to be changed, but do not think nerf is the right word for it. It does what the mechanics tell it to do, and so those mechanics will need to be changed in order for fire to make more sense in game as well as working on a mostly realistic level.

Overall, I agree on the points you bring up and will be looking more deeply into the problem areas. Not sure how far reaching the solutions will be, but I’ll start taking notes and begin prodding and poking at the problems when I have a little more downtime.
Thanks for the post to bring this more fully into the spotlight!

[quote=“GalenEvil, post:3, topic:2569”]3) Swamps

  • They are bugs mutated to be huge and all consuming monsters, and swamps have a lot of them. Swamps could do with some work though to keep populations less insane. I’m not sure how strong superalloy plating is supposed to be offhand though. Do you have an idea of how many insects you killed from swamp entrance to whenever it broke down (or exiting the swamp if you escaped)?[/quote]

Unluckily, under “broke” I meant a big and nasty explosion, so now I cannot just go get some screenshots. Although, it was something like ~300 insects in 7 tiles of map at 70 MPH.

Really, swamps do need tweaking.

As I understand it, superalloy plating is meant to be particularly lightweight rather than particularly durable. Swamps are pretty crazy at present, though.

i didnt have the plating problem with the hard and heavy one.

Two notes:
1: Smoke) Smoke has actually already been mostly fixed. There was a problem where the game forgot to recheck the new tile when smoke moved, meaning as long as it kept moving it would never disappear. This has been fixed in the dev version.

3: Swamps) This has been talked about several times, but the devs haven’t come to any sort of consensus. Swamps will remain one of the most dangerous places in the game, regardless.

The only problem with swamps is that they still use the old spawn system, meaning spawn numbers are based on noise. That means if you drive a loud vehicle through them, you are going to get a LOT of spawns.

Most agreement seems to be over implementing a sort of spawning pool mechanics that replenishes local population slowly over time and stores a certain number of enemies that can be “awakened” but won’t spawn infinitely indefinitely.