[32x32] MSX DEAD PEOPLE Tileset

Old one will be kept in same github as separate “legacy” tileset.
Anyone can ofcourse take it and make updates to it if he want’s.
Main DeadPeople tileset will be updated with new look and will be updated. Maybe i will come up with new name for the tileset now when it is no longer gonna be that much of the MSX.

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I like it, it’s less detailed for facial characteristics and hairstyles maybe, but at the same time it’s less cartoony, and … well… much cooler.
Overall definitely better.

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But looking forward to your new style too, I’m feeling very ambivalent :confounded:


You lose so much detail…

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Oh darn, now i have to remake my gothic lolita outfit all over again :man_facepalming:

How long do you believe this redesign will take, a month, year?

I’d nice if you keep the legacy tileset and create the new one under a new name. There is no rule for having two tilesets and people like different styles.

Month, maybe two.

78 years later...

“Well, guys, i am 90% done!”


“Wow so soon? The devs could learn a thing or two from you”

( Looks intently at Valve )

“…still waiting…”

Are those sprites going to be larger than the ones as examples? There is no possible way to see details the current one has if they are going to be this small :frowning:

Nope, the are going to be that tiny.

Zombie example.


I’m not telling you what to create. I must however ask the logic of making stuff so small that it loses all the information details we rely on visually to understand what our characters are experiencing? :cold_sweat:


What exactly are you talking about?

If the tiles are this small. The character lose so much visual detail that we won’t have the same understanding of what our characters have on. Plus that of the NPCs and the differences between different zombies.

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Tiles are the same size as before. Everyone just have regular head, and not giant pumpkin with huge eyes they had before.

I like the new design. :+1:
I was never a fan of chibi but your tileset where still the best so I used it anyways.
I can see why fans of the cute style might feel sad though.


I don’t care about cute at all. I was more ceoncerned over the loss of visual recognition. What my character is wearing. Feeling(facial expressions). That sort of detail.

edit: The differences between one zombie and another. By type.

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You will see what you are wearing with no problems. There is none facial expressions in DeadPeople tileset, i am not sure what you are talking about.
Ofcourse all zombies will be recognizable by type, in screenshot earlier i just showed regular zombie type.

Hmmm…I’ve been tinkering with old tilesets. I just grabbed that june 21 set from your github link. Seems you are correct. I concede when I am incorrect and I apologize. That said. I made a similar misenterpretation elsewhere so I’m loggin for now. Cheers. Hope the new set goes well =)

Hmm, it will be interesting to see where this goes… :slight_smile: