0.C a1a2e77 Advanced inventory and grabbed vehicles

When I have grabbed vehicle advanced inventory manager is barely working. Each time I open it it gives me different selected tiles. When I try select all it also selects the grabbed vehicle. When I try to put stuff into grabbed vehicle, items most of the items go on floor. Grabbed vehicle [D] and vehicle [V] selection are overlapped.

This bug is still in curses version 3062.

Would like to add a bit more to this. It seems you can now select between grabbed vehicle and floor space on the same tile by pressing v after it is selected, however what’s happening is that when you attempt to place an item in the grabbed vehicle it will automatically change and dump it on the floor on the same tile instead. Also it doesn’t appear to save after leaving the Adv. Inv. as it will automatically make the right side of the menu default to Inventory.

Just found this :- https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/issues/12132

I derped :confused:

Yeah, I merged an unfinished PR which I thought was a bugfix, but it had design changes that I didn’t know about. And some of those were broken.

I PR’d a fix to it, but apparently the fix has some bugs on its own. Smaller than the current ones, though. I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.

With version 3065 you are able to move items from and to vehicles but not from tile to tile. You get “Source tile is same as destination tile” error.