So I picked up a glittering lamp artifact. I even used it a few times without incident. I noticed it seems to recharge when you hold it, but it SEEMS to cause pain when it does so. So, I used it but hurriedly stashed it without letting it charge, depositing it in my car’s trunk without any charges, and took a break, saving the game. When I went looking for it, it was gone and there was a none in my trunk. Very… strange. Because it shows as none, it’s kinda hard to search the forum for other incidents like this.
Peeking into a save from when it hadn’t become a none, I found it would also become none if I simply dropped it, even with charges. I’ll keep copies of the saves around and keep playing, hoping it’s not corrupting or anything. But I can definitely reproduce the bug easily enough. Seems to stay intact if I keep it in my inventory.
UPDATE: The version I was playing off was wrapped as CataDDA0.5 and had .5’s MOTD and it’s noticeable changes but under the bubble was listed as 0.4-git. Downloaded a new copy from the same location as before now gets me a CataDDA0.5 with the listed version as 0.5 so, the bug might actually be gone. I don’t know, gonna see if the save is compatible as test it.
Okay, wow you guys are fast. Updated the first post with more information. To clarify, this is a new character a started on 0.5. I just now tried copying my save folder in a freshly downloaded copy of .5 and it also happens, but again, weirdly the MOTD and the version number of the one I’d been playing before now didn’t match up. I realize that kind of devalues this bug report. :x Still headscratching.
As for the save, just drop the artifact on the ground, quit the client, and reload it and you’ve got a none.
I think the main bugfix was changing the MOTD, actually :P.
Also, it looks like it’s any artifact that’s dropped on the ground, using the current git version. Curious… but, at least that makes testing easier for us.
There’s also a bug where if you start a new game in a world that already has artifacts, those artifacts will be overwritten. This happens because game::start_game() doesn’t call load_artifacts().
edit: The bug where artifacts on the ground become “none” happens I think because the map loads on game start but the artifacts load on character load.
You could fix this by making load_artifacts() public and calling it in main.cpp before MAPBUFFER.load() but idk, maybe it’s private for a reason.
Or a better way would be to call load_artifacts() from void game::init_ui(). That fixes both bugs now that I think about it.
Does have to be dropped.
I saved my game while near an anomaly… I had seen an artifact before I saved but there was some weird creature there. So I saved and came back. After dealing with the creature the artifact became a none. It was one of those spiral weirdness.