Worn item causing game crash when activated need help finding the cause

trying out adding an item and a recipe to the game and just ran into this crash that i’m not sure how to fix the items work as expected if its not worn but wearing causes a crash this doesn’t seem to happen to the item i coped and i’m not sure what i changed to cause this

My item

“id”: “imper_stone_mask”,
“type”: “TOOL_ARMOR”,
“category”: “armor”,
“name”: “stone mask”,
“name_plural”: “masks of stone”,
“description”: “A stone mask that seems to radiate a dark power”,
“weight”: 710,
“volume”: 4,
“price”: 21000,
“material”: [ “stone” ],
“symbol”: “[”,
“looks_like”: “mask_bal”,
“color”: “light_brown”,
“max_charges”: 15,
“initial_charges”: 15,
“covers”: [ “EYES”, “MOUTH” ],
“coverage”: 100,
“encumbrance”: 10,
“warmth”: 10,
“ammo”: “NULL”,
“material_thickness”: 2,
“environmental_protection”: 1,
“artifact_data”: { “charge_type”: “ARTC_HP” },
“use_action”: {
“target”: “imper_stone_mask_on”,
“msg”: “to do”,
“active”: true,
“need_charges”: 10,
“need_charges_msg”: “As you stare into the mask’s eyes you almost can’t contain your desire to feed the mask”,
“type”: “transform”
“id”: “imper_stone_mask_on”,
“type”: “TOOL_ARMOR”,
“copy-from”: “imper_stone_mask”,
“name”: “stone mask (on)”,
“name_plural”: “stone masks (on)”,
“description”: “to do”,
“turns_per_charge”: 15,
“revert_to”: “imper_stone_mask”,
“material_thickness”: 1,
“environmental_protection”: 6,
“artifact_data”: { “effects_worn”: [ “AEP_MUTAGENIC” ] },
“qualities”: [ [ “GLARE”, 2 ] ],
“charges_per_use”: 10,
“use_action”: { “type”: “mutagen_iv” }

the item i coped

“id”: “somen_clairvoyance”,
“type”: “TOOL_ARMOR”,
“category”: “armor”,
“name”: “mask of insight”,
“name_plural”: “masks of insight”,
“description”: “A mask faced with iron and decorated with other metal, depicting the face of some unknown divine figure. Fueling it with consecrated essence will grant the wearer clairvoyance within a limited range and protection from bright flashes, but blind you to anything beyond its effect.”,
“weight”: 710,
“volume”: 4,
“price”: 21000,
“material”: [ “iron”, “copper” ],
“symbol”: “[”,
“looks_like”: “mask_bal”,
“color”: “light_red”,
“ammo”: “essence_dull_type”,
“max_charges”: 12,
“covers”: [ “EYES”, “MOUTH” ],
“coverage”: 100,
“encumbrance”: 10,
“warmth”: 10,
“material_thickness”: 2,
“environmental_protection”: 1,
“use_action”: {
“target”: “somen_clairvoyance_on”,
“msg”: “The mask appears to contort into a fearsome visage, the eyeholes momentarily seeming to glow.”,
“active”: true,
“need_charges”: 1,
“need_charges_msg”: “Fuel the mask with consecrated essence, to open your eyes.”,
“type”: “transform”
“flags”: [ “NO_SALVAGE” ]
“id”: “somen_clairvoyance_on”,
“type”: “TOOL_ARMOR”,
“copy-from”: “somen_clairvoyance”,
“name”: “mask of insight (on)”,
“name_plural”: “masks of insight (on)”,
“//”: “It seems you need around 6 to protect against flashes”,
“description”: “A mask faced with iron and decorated with other metal, depicting the face of some unknown divine figure. The face depicted on the mask seems more menacing than it did previously.”,
“turns_per_charge”: 50,
“revert_to”: “somen_clairvoyance”,
“material_thickness”: 2,
“environmental_protection”: 6,
“artifact_data”: { “effects_worn”: [ “AEP_CLAIRVOYANCE_PLUS” ] },
“qualities”: [ [ “GLARE”, 2 ] ],
“use_action”: {
“target”: “somen_clairvoyance”,
“msg”: “The mask’s features return to its original impassive expression.”,
“type”: “transform”
“extend”: { “flags”: [ “SUN_GLASSES”, “BLIND”, “IR_EFFECT”, “PARTIAL_DEAF” ] }

crash log

CRASH LOG FILE: config/crash.log
VERSION: 0.C-37498-ga2fc42c
TYPE: Signal
MESSAGE: SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault

See Mutation updates by ZhilkinSerg · Pull Request #32 · chaosvolt/cdda-arcana-mod · GitHub

This would go into “The Garage”, where bugs are supposed to be reported, it helps to read the category description too. (Not “The Lab” though, I think the description of it is currently bugged and is displaying a description for a creating a new category…