Wide Wheels nerf?

Seeing over in the Bunker that apparently someone decided to make Wide Wheels set off traps? It’s getting a fair amount of bad attention.


What’s the story here?

More like what’s the rationale for having wide wheels not set off traps in the first place? Sounds like a bugfix to me.

Do regular wheels set off traps?

Yes, all wheels do, see map.cpp around line 756 in vehproceed() and vehicle::handle_trap().
I suspect that when “wide” wheels were added, the trap handling code was testing for the wheel part directly, and wide wheels weren’t added, hence the “wide wheels don’t set off traps” bug, which people have interpreted to be a feature.

Ahhh. That makes sense.

Then what is the point of wide wheels? Seriously. What’s the point?

Um… stronger?

I think they handle vehicle weight a little better and give better acceleration.

They have twice as much durability.

Seriously, though; wide wheels are, by definition, bigger than normal wheels. This should make them more likely to set off traps they run over, not less. The fact that they ever didn’t was a bug.

Well, this “bug” made it to the wiki as a point in favor of Wide wheels.

I thought the reasoning was wider contact point reduced pressure. Wasn’t about to argue it.

Same here, now I feel they don’t have much use.

[quote=“Ian Strachan, post:9, topic:2942”]They have twice as much durability.

Seriously, though; wide wheels are, by definition, bigger than normal wheels. This should make them more likely to set off traps they run over, not less. The fact that they ever didn’t was a bug.[/quote]

Depends. Larger, wider wheels give better traction and spread the weight of the vehicle over a larger surface area, thus there’s less weight on any one point than if the same vehicle were to use normal wheels.

Anything based off a tripwire trigger or something like a spiked board trap should effect them (i.e, crossbow, shotgun traps) but I’d still say they should have a smaller chance of setting off a pressure-triggered landmine when compared with normal wheels.

Maybe when biomes are introduced we should be able to go all “ice-road truckers” and fall through ice if you’re driving your mobile home somewhere without wide wheels.

But they’re WHEELS. If a regular weighted human can set off a trap by just stepping on it, I’m pretty sure a wide wheel on a car can trip a trap.

Seriously people, this was a bug, nothing more, nothing less.
Although the ice truckers thing is valid, wide wheels will be better for offroading at some point.

Time to stop using them!

Guys, the mines you see lying around are clearly anti-personnel mines. And last I checked, cars exert far more ground pressure than people do on foot regardless of what kind of tires they have. The whole “It’s a feature!” thing has no basis in logic.