Why my RV always lack wheels?

Finally I found a RV crash with a car in the town…but the frames are complete.

I remove the crap car part,and repaired the engine.But wheels reports lack.Now I have two 24" in the front of the RV ,four 25" under the RV body on line6 and line7,and I even add two 23" at the last of RV…It still report lack wheels.

Is it a bug? or I missed something?

BTW: I‘m use the #393 build with a new world.

I think it is a bug which, I hope, will be fixed soon. Something about RV’s having had special wheels or something.

Will be fixed by: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/3504

Thanks for reporting. Basically, it wasn’t looking at wheels underneath other parts.

[quote=“Ian Strachan, post:3, topic:3398”]Will be fixed by: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/3504

Thanks for reporting. Basically, it wasn’t looking at wheels underneath other parts.[/quote]

thx Ian~~~ great work!!