Why am I still hungry?

Taking more then 2 vitamins (up to 4 if you haven’t taken any in the last week or so and were unlucky) doesn’t have any effects on your health at all. (Trust me, I wrote that particular chunk of code :P).[/quote]

wait what? D: hmm never gotten a week without vitamins and anytime I find them I chug em down mad to gain insane amounts of healthy. Debug menu showed healthy in the hundreds range.

Ah, found it. Bit of old remnant code in a different location was making it just keep adding to the value. Shouldn’t do that anymore once the pull gets merged in.

Aww, constant hunger leads to discovery of inadvertent infinite vitamin boost.

Well, with that fixed, I like the idea of a higher-tier resistance option like that nano-booster. A nice refinement of the general direction my head was going. Bueno.