Why am I still hungry?

I’ve been very hungry for a couple game days now. I’ve eaten 3 chunks of cooked meat in a row (which came from a wolf or cougar) and potato chips a short while after that, but I can’t seem to get it so stop saying very hungry.

Is this a bug? Or is it possible to have “the worms” in this game?

probably your near famished status which needs a lot of food to satiate
Hunger Stats taken from the wiki
Hunger < 0 Full
Hunger > 40 Hungry
Hunger > 80 Very hungry
Hunger > 300 Famished
Hunger > 1400 Near starving
Hunger > 2800 Starving!

This is why cooking is a good thing.

Our characters are Tarrare.

The character is actually a sentient form of modern art, and it needs lots of food to move and function.

Also, time compression.

TIME COMPRESSION! The answer to everything that happens in the game.

Are you hungry? Time compression.
Something took longer than expected? Time compression.
Fell down a manhole? Time compression.
Zombies? Time compression.
Did the car slingshot off another car when it crashed? Time compression.

Time compression doesn’t affect sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Bladerock, post:6, topic:1754”]TIME COMPRESSION! The answer to everything that happens in the game.

Are you hungry? Time compression.
Something took longer than expected? Time compression.
Fell down a manhole? Time compression.
Zombies? Time compression.
Did the car slingshot off another car when it crashed? Time compression.[/quote]
Exactly , there is no doubt that zeds are regular people , but because of time compression they are hungry all the time.

As a side note, somebody code in a disease for WORMS that increases your hunger faster, drains fatigue points a little quicker. Doesn’t resolve itself until treated. Treatable with… well, in real life deworming medicine resembles a number of food crop pesticides, but barring realism antibiotics could suffice given their current rate of availability. Or drinking bleach

Don’t drink the tequila worm!

As a side note, somebody code in a disease for WORMS
I second that motion. The diet that most Cataclysm characters live off of day-to-day is just asking for internal parasites.

Raw meat from wild animals of questionable health, unwashed wild produce, snack foods that have been sitting on the shelves for an unknown span of time, foods that fall out of dead zombies’ pockets…If my character isn’t carrying around a couple of pounds of pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and trichinella worms in her guts after a few months of survival, then it’s only because they haven’t been added yet.

Uh, Rivet, I for one try to cook my Meat first. Would parasite eggs survive the roasting process??

Sounds like a job for medical nano or the Expanded Digestive Tract (industrial-grade intestines FTW). Of course, Royal Jelly should be able to nail that stuff too.

Uh, Rivet, I for one try to cook my Meat first. Would parasite eggs survive the roasting process??

If it’s cooked to an internal temperature of 165+ °F it should be perfectly safe, so I’d say that roasting it should kill off any internal nasties that are hitching a ride in your squirrel steak, though that might be an interesting function to add to the cooking skill - an additional check to see if you’ve cooked your game meat until it’s foodsafe.

My characters don’t eat raw meat all the time. But it used to be common for me to end up having to do so in the early game when I didn’t have a cooking vessel, back before we could cook on sharpened sticks or make our own strange cookpots made of rocks and string.

Reduced nutrition and enjoyment for uncooked game meat doesn’t really seem like a sufficiently harsh penalty now that cooking it is so much more attainable and the risk of internal parasites would cover that nicely.

Super agree with upping the ante penaltywise, and I like your tie-in to the cooking skill. Makes lovely sense.

I should really start up another thread but last few tries they’ve died untouched. Any chance for tetanus? Obtainable from dirty dirt things (worms and ants possibly) that wound you, and nailboard traps? haha. No but seriously. Would cause movement penalties and huge dexterity problems. Unless someone wants to make this legitimate, neurotoxin-y death and go full-paralysis problems.

Tetanus sounds like a “random chance for you to die”. Could we be optimistic and assume they have created a vaccine for it that lasts indefinitely by the time of the zombie apocalypse?

Actually, vaccines might be a nice thing to add overall.

That used to be a thing. Whales’ old builds had:
“You puke”
“You choke on your vomit and die”

Oh groty. Yeah I don’t want insta-deaths, I just want variety in my horrible.

Vaccines though… Most syringe use as it currently stands is recreational drug related, whether intended or just how players utilize it. That might be nice. Though Health is currently a value that raises and drops depending on some factors, and vaccines protect against specific bugs, so I think either make them general booster shots that raise resistance for a while, or wait until tag systems are more complex…

Vitamins already serve the purpose of raising health levels (take about 1 every 12-13 hours). I could see the addition of some sort of super booster shot. Maybe something like “nanobot injection” syringes that are rare, boost your health tremendously, and maybe have some sort of effect on cold/flu duration.

you don’t take vitamins every 12-13 hours you chug them all down to get it’s benefit xD

Taking more then 2 vitamins (up to 4 if you haven’t taken any in the last week or so and were unlucky) doesn’t have any effects on your health at all. (Trust me, I wrote that particular chunk of code :P).