What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

What a time to be alive !


Initial craft entity implementation got merged !


This is fantastic. My body is ready.


It’s a little rough around the edges right now, working on adding workbench functionality for working on larger/heavier items and already have an open pr fixing batch crafting times.

Picked a hell of a day to split up from my crew. Oh well …It’s only about one or two…HUNDRED. Backs to the wall. Tits out Tents out!!! Come on MUAHFUCKERS!!!


My character must’ve taken advanced bullet resistance training because they would probably set off a metal detector if they went through naked…

God I hate 9mm turrets randomly showimg up everywhere.

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I was exploring a lab, and found this interesting piece of terrain. Those 5s are fire. I know somebody mentioned wanting to add anomalies from STALKER the other day, but I’m pretty sure that’s a comet right there.

I was also going to say we need them to spawn artifacts, but: “This anomaly does not spawn any kind of artifact”

So it turns out that a chicken walker’s grenade launcher outranges my EMP caster by just a couple of tiles. Nothing a couple EMP grenades thrown at max range couldn’t handle, but something to keep in mind should any of you come across one in your travels.




It definitely looks like the chicken walker :smile:


It occurs to me that im not cut out for this apoco-shit. For the first time in a long time i got to bathe in a real tub. Not a river. Not a wet wipe whores bath. A fucking Tub. Granted…i had to set Three fires and it took some time to get the buckets of water just right. But hey…it was MUAHFUCKIN WORTH IT!
I question myself though. Every day. I look down at my changed and mutated body…and realize its not just the mutations that have changed me…its the other additions as well. Each one has a story and a memory i would rather forget. Who can forget any of this? Every single person you may meet now days…has lost…well…everyone. Their whole families. All their friends. Its no wonder half the people out here talk to themselves. I hope i dont get like that. Wait…is this thing even recording? Well… shit (She smiles) At least I can sink under this nice warm water and still breathe.


With a little bit of monumental effort, the workshop is (mostly) complete, nearing the end of Spring. With a minifridge to keep my sodas cold, a minifreezer to chill my ice cream and perishable meats, and a KitchenMaster cooking buddy taking care of food and chem prep, all that is needed now is the knowledge of how to craft vehicle forge and welding rigs or, better yet, a MetalMaster forge buddy to condense both of those into a single tile leaving me room for a kiln. Two storage batteries can keep both fridge and freezer running for a week, fully charged, and a 200L barrel of diesel drained from an abandoned tank will ensure sufficient power for the batteries, for the moment at least. Next step is to head back to those apartment towers to the northwest, to strip down the solar arrays to spare me diesel for power.


That honestly looks pretty cozy, the fireplace is a nice touch.

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Rock forge, actually, but thank you.

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it looks close enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Day 21… I think. It’s been sometime since making my way out of the facility. I hoofed it for a week before finding a town. Hampden it’s called. The infected are everywhere. I’ve set up in the sublevel of a train station to nowhere, on the west side of town. Have MREs and tinned goods, plus a lot of junk food. I’ve decided to start taking down in a journal to record what’s to come. If only for my own sanity. These E-ink tablets “are” good for something at least.

Need to find a police station or something along those lines, and find out just what the hell happened when I was under for the past two weeks while the initial round of mutations took hold.

I find the occasional scrap of info from newspapers, but it just leads to more questions than answers. We’re we attacked? What is this black goo coming from the infected? How do they keep getting back up, while some of them are little more than bone protusions and rotted meat?

I barely made beyond basic training before being selected for Gene modification. Never even made it to a duty station or unit. God help me if I’m forced to hoof it all the way back to the facility to get answers.


Day 22…

My God, I don’t know where to begin to describe it. The infected, they’re… they’re changing. Mutating? Fuck it, “something” is causing them to become far more than violent corpses. This guy, or gal, must’ve been 9 feet tall. 9 feet of armored bone plate, clenched fists that ended with spiked knuckles. It was DC comics’ Doomsday brought to life. I was dumbstruck by the imagery, I forgot how to move. It punched a charging moose and caved it’s chest in with just one blow.

I ran, God did I run. Fuck the rucksack, screw the ammo. This 9mm carbine I’m holding is little more than a toy to that monster. So I ran, through the woodline and deep into the forest.

I don’t know what to do. These gene mods were meant for combating other humans, and they weren’t even finished.

I’m scared…


leaves a bottle southern bourbon at your window while you sleep:octopus::octopus::octopus:

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Just tried to raid an Hospital for anesthetic kit, but it’s a bit crowded and also falling appart :

I’ve already killed three more of these …
Is there a chance to find some stuff intact under the rubble ? :disappointed:


Yesss…and no. Some stuff I am certain breaks, such as while driving over it with a vehicle. Pretty sure this maybe the same. But I’m just too darn lazy to dig out a building when I can go fetch what I need a town over xD

Glass items are good examples. I’ve shot over shelves and run over items that get damaged by the action. Would like to know for certain though if a building falling on items can break them. But I think I collapsed a lab once and found most of the serum all smashed in puddles on the floor.

In a lonely cabin just to the north of the four-house “town” of Wiscasset, Pandora readied for her greatest challenge to-date. She had seen it before, from the top of a tower; the dreadlord Apis had constructed another of his hives, and she was bound to purge it from the landscape before his affront to nature unbalanced the mana flowing through the forests.

This was a ceremonial duty of the protectors of the woods who had been appearing to her in her dreams, and so it required ceremonial garb. Girding herself for battle, she nonetheless made a few exceptions to her armaments. Ranger she may surely be, but no enchanted sword had she. Explosive shotgun rounds would have to be magical enough. Apis was never a pushover when he had arisen in the past.

She was confident. She was skilled, and her magic was strong. If the tide turned against her, she could always just trigger her gate device and flee to fight another day. This would be her trial, to see if she was truly worthy to name herself Ranger of the wasteland. As she approached the hive from the northeast, she ran across a small pack of hellspawn, feasting on the corpses of their victims. Brandishing her blade with a ferocious yell, she engaged the demons at a run.


After making short work of the vile creatures, she continued on to her ultimate destination. She emerged from the woods to a vicious droning noise, the trademark of Apis’s chosen. Their stingers thrashed and lashed at her as she cleaved her way through the hive, but could find no purchase, no chink in Pandora’s armor, though her stinger surely found plenty in theirs as the sword flashed again and again, each time felling another minion of the dreadlord.

The creatures grew ever more aggressive as she approached the hive’s center, where Apis awaited just as he had so many times before.


Turning the corner, she spotted him just in time, lurking in the shadows of a waxen archway into the heart of the hive. As he leaped for her, to rend her flesh with his vile claws, she rounded on him, leveled her shotgun, and let loose with a barrage of power and flame. The rounds were much more explosive than Pandora had expected, but thankfully her armor’s steel held as true as that of her heart and deflected most of the carnage. The dreadlord, however, fared not quite so luckily.

As the dreadlord staggered from the damage, Pandora dropped the shotgun and her blade whistled through the air one last time, to strike true in the bastard’s black heart. Moving swiftly, she carved out the spoilable parts and threw his carcass into the Battle Cart. The ceremony had one final task, but for now she was free to collect the mystic honey that would keep her safe during her upcoming transmogrifications.

Upon return to the cabin, the successful Ranger stretched the body of her fallen foe out on a rack, carving it swiftly and deftly. The sun rose on the final day of Spring to Pandora, newest Ranger of the wasteland, slowly roasting and devouring the body of the dreadlord Apis’s latest avatar, monument to the inescapable march of nature’s swift talon. In the end, all is but food, energy for the cycle of mana in the natural world.