What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

  1. You need to find intact nanofab which consists of actual nanofab and controlling console (like autodoc consists of operating table and the console)
  2. you must have required recipe in your inventory
  3. you must have enough of nanocanister “fuel” in your inventory
  4. activate nanofab console, select recipe, get either item in question or a warniong that you don’t have enough fuel.

As far as I can tell, NFs always spawn under collapsed towers but each and every one I’ve found was wrecked, it’s probably intentional. Only ever found one working NF in a lab finale.

Hold my V8 :)

.30-06 Remington is amazing. Too bad there aren’t many bullets for it. Still, if something has blood it’s 100% guarantee dead from bleeding in 2, max 3 shots.

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Cal Camper was on his way back from a long-range recon in his pickup truck (missing a door and part of a windshield) with a bad case of the flu. He decided to ram his way through the middle of the city he was slowly clearing out. He gets half way in an sees a dog park… with pretty much the entire place’s amount of zeds pinned up in there… at least a 100 from the V count. Cal made a note to bring grenades back there once over his flu.

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While Cal was dealing with his flu, he decided to try out his acetylene torch and fix the truck. Going through the chassis, he found that the front wheel mount (steerable) was kaput (XX). With a handy scissor jack, he took it from his sedan. Then realized that even though he was good enough to remove them (Mech 3), he wasn’t good enough to install them (Mech 4).

He blamed it on the cough syrup and opened a really boring book on auto repair.

For a long time, dropping an engine out of a vehicle was easier than changing a tire.

Now they both suck, while re-configuring an entire armored vehicle frame remains a ‘My First Vroom Vroom’ project. :smiley:

An ant hill spawned 4 tiles from a necropolis. I’m not ready to go there yet, but when I will I expect to find utter chaos (and horrible lag :smirk:).

In my current run through, my very first hidey hole was in a comfy little basement under a scenic rural 4-house village, not too far from the crash site I started in.

I found a enough food and books to curl up down there for a couple days and work on some key early skills and let my serious leg wound heal - until I started hearing some ominous ‘poof’ noises.

I opened the door from my basement bedroom to find that the basement was now carpeted with wall-to-wall fungus - as was the entire village above.

And so ended the tenure of safe-house-1.

Is this worthy of facepalm? I’m not quite sure.

In other news: WHY was it doing it? Scientists don’t have an answer yet (because they are zombies, obviously)

After four days and nights of fighting, corpse smashing, hiding in houses, getting punted around by hulks, and mild drug abuse, my character has cleared out this entire road running through town. His reason? His (stationary) base is over in the woods on one side, but all the good fishing spots are on the other.



After Cal got over his flu (in a much faster time than his previous cold) he got his pickup rolling and went into town for more car parts. He took the street to the south of the 100+ horde and had some fun with his new metal broad head arrows. Fortunately at the last house in a cul de sac, he found a brand new solar SUV AND a folding bicycle. Definitely taking these home to his LMOE base. Hopefully he can install the vehicle battery charging unit he pulled out of a wrecked RV.

What is the mission asterisk for in between?

It’s the second or third Hub 01 quest where you have to pull a brain scan out of a corpse surrounded by soldier zombies and a kevlar hulk. IOne of the soldiers dropped a LAW, so that problem solved itself.

Finally killed the fungal tower looming in the middle of the city I’m trying to scavenge through. Burned it, shot it a bunch, and then let the zeds overrun the final remaining spire before moving in to clean up.

However, during the cleanup phase I accidentally set fire to the hunting supply store next door that I’d been hoping to raid, which led to a foolish sequence of desperately trying to pick the locks on the armored door while fighting off zombies and watching the flames creep insidiously towards the gun counter…

Ended up getting the doors open at last and had to make a mad dash around the fire to scarf a garand and a compound hunting bow - and just made it out again before the flames cut off my escape routes.


Kemuri mused over her work, realizing ruefully that one of the dangers of mastering mechanics without any training at all in construction, was that the rule ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’ applies to APC modification just as much as to building a table or counter top.

She sighed and got out her hacksaw, preparing to spend the next few hours removing the extra 4’ of heavy frame extensions she’d just finished adding to the rear of her now ungainly vehicle.


My latest lab escape attempt resulted in my survivor creeping up several floors from the bottom of the lab, expecting to have to find some way past an array of turrets and key card doors at the top, but instead I just encountered a strange stairwell that kept going up, and up…

I’m wondering just how far down under ground I actually started, until I finally find a door at the top and realize I’m now on the top floor of a large research building of some sort, packed with yet more weird scientific garbage, and now I have to find yet more stairs DOWN to ground level again so I can actually escape. :sweat_smile:

Finally slipped out through a blasted crater crawling with blobs, found a car in the lot, ran over a few remaining zombified scientists and rammed through the gate to freedom!

Now I’m resting half a mile down the road in a comfy little farmhouse. After ‘dealing with’ the small band of merry zombies in the barn, and a bunch of undead horses, its like my very own B&B.


I was traveling countryside on my recently found bicycle and I’ve found a farmhouse with a few horses. I tried to tame one of horses and it became friendly with me. But my character was overweight so my ‘pet’ just walked after me. When I sat at my bicycle, horse seems to jump at bike basket and now we are traveling together.

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Cal, in true “going to town” form forgot the grenades to take care of the 100+ zeds in the dog park. So instead he jumped into a subway station and took a LOOOONG tunnel to a completely far away town, cleared that out (bow + metal broad head arrows FTW!) and then found a bike shop, attached a second basket to a new bike and started pedaling back to his town, clearing motels and silos on the way.

He’s now back in the north section of his town and is working on clearing a big apartment building by blowing a whistle and letting the zeds fall down from above. Once cleared, I’ll grab either my pickup truck or solar SUV and load it up with the contents.



I love the new deactivate robots in combat ability.

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Just stripped down my old armored car to move over to a more swank version. Finished ripping out all the cargo, gear and most of the utilities, then jump in to drive it around to swap engines.

“Your Armored Car is too heavy for its engines.”

No. Seriously. WTF. This vehicle is lighter than the day it rolled off the manufacturing line. It’s a frame with wheels and an engine at this point. Whyyyyy?

Edit: Tried again a minute later and it worked. I guess when you dismantle a vehicle it can get confused about some of its parameters and needs some time to come to terms with itself or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also had this bug happen 2-3 times. Sadly, couldn’t find out what makes it happen. As far as I can tell, it isn’t reproducible.

I was chopping down a tree only for it to fall down on me. I close my eyes but I don’t feel a thing no impact, no pain and no heavy weight crushing me. I figured I must have died or been hit in the head. I open my eyes and look around thinking that the afterlife or my dream looks an afoul lot like the place I was. I can see that my Humvee is also here which is nice, as well as my backpack laying right where I left it. I look at my hands and see that they are still the bloody mess that the zombies made them back in the lab and the reason I cursed myself for not putting on tactical gloves. I feel the acid burns on my legs, head and torso made by those damned acidic soldiers. I look down in confusion at the trunk that I’m now inexplicably standing on. What convinces me that a miracle has happened is when I see the splintered remains of another tree trunk completely crushed by the falling tree. I let out a prayer of thanks to the higher powers of this world as they let my get away unharmed because a bug in their game.