What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

Huh, i’ve never thought of placing down items then coming back later for them.

There was a voice laughing in the back of this mind, another gibbered incomprehensively. Tim ignored them as he carefully ran a clothe across his axe, his head jerked up as he could of swore he heard a noise but after a moment of careful listening he turned back to his task.
The first had been the hardest, the lab had been full of information of various experiements. He had poured over the various journals and files looking for something, anything that could explain what had happened. It hadn’t turned out so convient but he had found something… Tim had never touched “performance enhancers”, hard work had always been enough so at first he’d ignored it. One trip above into this new world had shattered that view however. The world had gone mad, he shook his head as that word seemed echo around his skull.
There had been no one on the surface, it had become a playground for monsters and the dead. His dream had been to one day be crowned with the title of “worlds strongest man” but in a world with no people what would be the point?
He realised his hands were shaking and took a deep breath to help still them. If there was no point to that then what now? With these thoughts darkening his mind a new idea began to present itself, in this new world of monsters if he couldn’t be the worlds strongest man then perhaps he could be the worlds strongest monster.
His eyes strayed over to a bubbling concoction simpering on a nearby workbench, the first had been the hardest… but it got easier with time…
Tim realised he was laughing along with the voice inside his mind but couldn’t bring himself to care enough to stop…

Welp, Tims gone straight off the deep end, a strawberry cream and toffee centre short of a box of chocolates, completely nuts :stuck_out_tongue:
I found the journal for medical mutagen in his starting lab and that was underneath a research facility so with everything I needed on hand I went straight down that line. I’ll probably keep going cos why not? I’ve already got most of the really bad ones :stuck_out_tongue:

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Driving along the county road at speed felt good after being trapped underground so long. Tims vehicle of choice was a flatbed that looked like something straight out of a dystoyian future film, sheet metal covered windows and various batched areas gave the impression of a mobile pile of scrap but it was sturdy and would do the job until something better presented itself.
He could feel his thoughts begining to distort again so with one hand on the wheel he dumped a number of pills into his palm, switching hands Tim tossed them back with a practised motion. It was important to keep taking his pills after all.
The sword strapped to his back was murmering again but experience told him the pills would soon sort that out, regardless he reached up and patted its hilt like one would a frightened dog, “Soon…” he whispered back…

On the road at last! There was a flatbed in the research facility car park, a bit of modifying and cannibalising of other vehicles and I put together something I could lie with (and in). It will do until I can find a military vehicle I feel like doing up/modifying.

And sometime later a more suitable vehicle is found and prepared, now I just need to find a couple more floor trunks and maybe the odd solar panel and I’m set. I got lucky and ran into a .50 cal Crow turret guarding one of those military vehicles with the 200L fuel tanks so I’m swimming in M2 belts and diesel.

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I could understand most of it, but… dental grill and a headlamp? How? Why?

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Well, I find it more disturbing when I find zombie children with high heels, nanoskirts, and the like. Or with plastic bags of narcotics. Or both. Now that’s pretty creepy.


Caving chav(or whatever the american equivalent of a chav is)?

The facility had a lot in common with the one Tim used to guard, high brick walls and similiar floor plan. Overall the major difference seemed to be the presence of less blobs and more dead as far as he could tell. After spending so much time cooped up, carving a path through the car park to the the delivery bay had been time comsuming but cathartic. The corpses of lab workers, security and stranger dead studded with metal and other material had fell quickly beneath the huge mans blade and the feeling of his blood flowing free had sparked a dark joy in Tim.
Cutting a way into the loading bay had taken little time but the door to high security area below had been more problematic, the noise had drawn a near endless stream to his location and bodies had soon piled up around the area. Still, eventually he’d successed. After picking though the bodies for any useful items Tim had started to make his way back to his vehicle to swap out his gear when things had taken a turn for the worst, he had know about the dead drawn to his location inside the building but what he hadn’t expected was the crowd that had gather outside.
The pitch battle that followed had be arduous, a mass of bodies had ended up stacked around the hole cut into the loading bay and Tim himself had been left battered and bleeding. The worst was yet to come however, as he was limping across the parking lot he’d been confronted with a massive form.
Even hunched over it towered above Tim, its mishapen limbs dragged along the ground, its hide was a mass of fused and twisted materials. Even in best form Tim would of been hard pressed to keep ahead of it but in his current condition there was no way to avoid it. Things looked bad but Tim had felt a grin stretch across his face, now this had him excited.
With an enraged roar the hulking monstrosity rushed towards him and Tim with his own cry went to meet it greatsword in hand. The creature whipped out it’s club like limbs and even with his sword thrown up to block it Tim was sent skidding back, pushing himself up he charged again getting close enough to cut at the monster. What followed wasn’t so much a duel but a brutal war of attrition, both combatants took crushing blows with blood and black ichor running freely but eventually it came to an end with Tim leaning heavily on his blade but standing victorious.

Taste steel you oversized git!


Thanks, whoever adjusted grenades to their current state. They feel just right.

My saves got corrupted, and now I’m restarting on a new world.


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“Ok, if this doesn’t solve the frozen mutagen issue I don’t know what else to try!”


Use the Flamethrower, Luke!

Smashed some stuff, set 8 braziers up around the tank, smashed some other stuff and lit everything on fire!
For the record, it worked. Just barely, the time to fill 2 jugs with sweet plant mutagen and it froze again before I reached the stairs.

My current survivor, Woody, started naked and afraid in the wilderness. He walked over to an abandoned cabin and looted it for some ill-fitting clothes. Then he climbed on the roof, spotted another cabin, and repeated the process. From the second cabin, he spotted a survivalist shelter and moved in there.

Exploring down a nearby road, he found a damaged but working solar car, which he immediately stole. In the past two weeks, he’s been driving it around the apocalypse, using it to kite zombies as he slowly kills them with his sling.

A couple of days ago he finally bit the bullet and put together a makeshift welder. While he was topside fixing up the car, some random wanderer came up to him and offered to keep him safe in exchange for staying at the LMOE shelter. So far Shila has eaten Woody’s food, read Woody’s books, and slept in the spare bed, but Woody is hopeful she’ll be useful sooner or later.

Shila wanted Woody to retrieve a flag for her, so he took the solar car to a not to distant regional school. He drove the car around in daylight, honking the horn and kiting a bunch of zombies away from it, then looped back around at dusk. He’s still had to clear out two dozen or so zombies with sling and baseball bat, but the only mass rush was a half dozen or so that got held up by the school fence while he killed them.

He got into the library and found a bunch of useful books, took the flag from the flagpole, and is now returning to base.

It’s week 2, and Woody is in good shape and moving up in the world.


Should’ve (also?) posted in “she’s wearing THAT?!” thread.

I was riding to the longest bridge I’ve found yet to test my new vehicle (more on that below) when I saw this:

Imagine morale penalty for slaying all of them in one go!

But that’s not the main thing that was going on. To make it short, I’ll just show you the result of the test of my new experimental vehicle:

That was at the end of a bridge. Turns out, 2 overmap screens isn’t enough to achieve top speed :frowning_face:

You may have noticed how I said it was the end of a bridge, and there was quite a bit of speed to slow down from. But why brake slowly if you can brake fast, right? :crazy_face:

And the best thing? No damage taken despite “braking” through 2 overmap tiles of a swamp. Not. A. Single. Scratch. I seriously have no idea how TF it has happened but it is what it is. Maybe it’s a bug, idk. I seriously expected her to splat over something, especially considering the vehicle’s only seat was a saddle, i.e. no seatbelts.
P.S. The Ascension’s composition for those of you interested in insane things


The Ascension


It seems like you’re wasting HP with that truck alternator, especially considering that you have a solar panel. It’s no wonder you’re getting such anemic performance. :wink:

You should be able to go with a much smaller alternator and maybe get an extra km/h or two.

Definitely got to get yourself a longer straightaway.



Is the name of the town ‘Georgia’?

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Middleborough but the ground floor was full of chicks iirc

I cleared out roughly a dozen hordes in a town just to find a map that shows me that said town is tiny and has hardly any especially notable buildings.
A town just a little further away is far bigger, far more interesting, and ironically has far less hordes.
I think the reason that the bigger town has overall less zombies is due to it actually having gun stores, police stations, more survivor houses, and similar stuff.