What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

It was a tale as old as mankind, Holly d’Ark had never been anything special but had always wanted to be. So when the call for volunteers had put out for testing new bionics and other… less specific experiments she’d jumped at the chance, this would be her chance. But days before her time had come, everything had gone to hell, the Cataclysm had happened and the lab had gone into full lock down. Now as far as she could tell, she was the last survivor in the whole place. The staff had died, and then she’d had to kill them a second time, the security system had gone haywire and she’d dealt with that too. But despite it all she’d survived and now she was on her way out. Surely that was a one in a million chance? did that mean she’d been special all along? It didn’t matter, she wasn’t ready to give up on her dream…

I was originally going to go full mutant with Jessie but after I played her a while it just didn’t seem to fit the character anymore, so I’ve allowed her to go into semi retirement in her new home with her sustainable lifestyle.