What world settings do you normal play with?

what mods/loot settings/starting points/spawn settings/city size do you normally use?

Everyone’s got their own preferences. Are my recent ones:

No mods and the following settings

Here is my current game start:

I go pretty close to you, but I do 90 day seasons for realism. I also leave random NPCs off and spawn them in when I find a place it looks appropriate for them to be, like Evac Shelter basements and boarded up houses.

[quote=“rremyroy, post:2, topic:10920”]Everyone’s got their own preferences. Are my recent ones:

No mods and the following settings

Here is my current game start:


What is the monster evolution scaling factor for? I changed the setting several times and i haven’t noted any difference.

It determine how fast monster will evolve and get harder with time. Last game I played, I lasted for more than a year but moving anywhere was really hard because many monsters evolved to hulk, acidic, necromancer, master, electric, etc.

It should be noted that lower numbers means they evolve faster. Not sure if that’s what you’re going for.

I like to play with mundane zombies but with dynamic NPC’s at 3.0 spawn rate, it makes it more about survival with humans and you have to be really careful confronting somebody haha. Died a lot of times from dropping my station to not provoke someone and then picking it back up only to be shotgunned in the face

I guess I’m starting a new world :slight_smile:

7 city size, surrounded start, .75 item spawns, 1.2 critter spawn, wanderers, static, summer, 0000, burning building scenerio, 21 day seasons.

the dark lets me slip away, the summertime limits the available food and helps my usually underclothed characters, and the burning building forces me to get out and not turtle.

08:00 Spring start.
Items set to 1.0, Monster Spawn set to 1.0, City Size set to 4, NPC spawn rate to 0.25, 91-day seasons.

30 day seasons, NPC, wandering NPC, 8 city size, 0.01 item spawn, monster evolution 5.00, spawn rate scaling 5.00

Damn, how do you even survive? Or was that meant to be 0.1?

You survive off the zombies you kill.

Zombies drop so much stuff. And since you can only use renewable resources (what zombies all dorp is renewable) you learn what does and doesnt work.

Some starting skill in combat helps, as would an optimized build

[quote=“rremyroy, post:2, topic:10920”]Everyone’s got their own preferences. Are my recent ones:

No mods and the following settings

Here is my current game start:


Is that the default fontset? it looks different (better) somehow.

No. It’s a custom one for my taste and somewhat high resolution. It requires the Consolas font which is not free but you can acquire it freely. Here is the content of my fonts.json config file:

    "fontblending" : true,
    "fontwidth" : 9,
    "fontheight" : 18,
    "fontsize" : 18,
    "typeface" : "Consolas Bold",
    "map_fontwidth" : 9,
    "map_fontheight" : 18,
    "map_fontsize" : 18,
    "map_typeface" : "Consolas Bold",
    "overmap_fontwidth" : 9,
    "overmap_fontheight" : 18,
    "overmap_fontsize" : 18,
    "overmap_typeface" : "Consolas Bold"

No. It’s a custom one for my taste and somewhat high resolution. It requires the Consolas font which is not free but you can acquire it freely. Here is the content of my fonts.json config file:

{ "fontblending" : true, "fontwidth" : 9, "fontheight" : 18, "fontsize" : 18, "typeface" : "Consolas Bold", "map_fontwidth" : 9, "map_fontheight" : 18, "map_fontsize" : 18, "map_typeface" : "Consolas Bold", "overmap_fontwidth" : 9, "overmap_fontheight" : 18, "overmap_fontsize" : 18, "overmap_typeface" : "Consolas Bold" } [/quote]

Cheers mate, I agree that it looks pretty great on higher resolution. Much less aggressive on the eyes and generally just smoother!