I usually have military type gear (duffel bag, rucksack, ect, ect and ect) plus my suit and top hat
Right now i have power armour + hauling frame and finding im LOVING it. I also have a gas mask and light amp gogles
Coupled with my antenae i must look like somthin outa Bioshock
Top hat, Monocle, Suit, Dress Shoes, Tie, Tie Clip, Fancy Watch, Sunglasses, and a runner pack.
My years of looting and pillaging have finally paid off in Style.
Am I the only one who swiftly shuns armor as soon as I find a suit and top hat?
As a sidenote: I could craft the Survivor-Stuff, but I’m too lazy. Additional, I like to have them on the not-so-easy reachable keys. German keyboard is annoying with keys like {[]}, since you need to press Alt-Gr + 7 or 8 or 9 or 0 and so on. (Yeah, they got two different ALT-keys.)
EarPlugs are a MUST have. Do you know how annoying it is to get those ‘You hear CLANG CRASH whatever’ messages all the time?
torso: Bra, Military sucksack, Ghillie suit
head: Rainhood, Ghillie suit
eyes: Ballistic glasses
arms: Ghillie suit
hands: Tactical Gloves, Glove liner
lets:Panties, Ghillie suit
feet: Combat Boots
… So i go for roleplay over efficiency, Sue me… xP
As for the rest of my gear, that should be relatively obvious, but
Primary M107++++(Rifle Scope, Suppressor, Brass Catch, … crap i forgot my last one)
Secondary USP9mm++++(Suppressor, Spare Mag., Extended Mag., Imp. Iron Sights)
BOOMSTICK Desert Eagle++++(Suppressor, Spare Mag., Extended mag, … I think something to do with the grip…)
Ammo(most of which i store in my trusty cart.)
100-150 rounds of BMG 50.
100-150 rounds of one or another form of 9mm ammo
20 rounds for my Boomstick.
Food and drink/meds
MRE Beef x 10 Mostly in my cart
some jelly (good back up food)
3 cans of energy drink (in my mind Monster energy drinks)
10 bottles of clean water
7 first aid kits
30 bandages(i dont like to bleed)
3 xanax(i hate not being able to sleep when i want)
several forms of painkiller so i dont get addicted to one as i keep the addictive negative trait
2 joints(for long walks)
2 hits of meth,crack,cocaine,and a bottle of whisky…for suicidal tendencies or my last 5 minutes before impending doom drugs so i can go out without even knowing im on earth
Gadgets and accessories
Gasoline lantern(in my shopping cart)
Crack Pipe
Jerrycan with fuel (in my shoppying cart)
flash light
and a small assortment of several general needs items i keep in my cart including a couple books and an atomic light(forgot the name of it)