What did you learn from Cataclysm?

It’ll take years for the cancer to kill you, and It’s not even a 100% of gettin’ cancer, actually, It’s way low.

Save yourself a few bucks and get dat asbestos mask.

It’ll take years for the cancer to kill you, and It’s not even a 100% of gettin’ cancer, actually, It’s way low.

Save yourself a few bucks and get dat asbestos mask.[/quote]
Actually the PMG is the cheapest (military) gas mask I’ve been able to find at 25 bucks (although I’m going to spend an extra 20 for a full NBC suit 'cause why the hell not). I’d actually be spending more for the chance of cancer anyway.

Although if it were a WW2 German mask or something similar I’d jump on it if it were cheaper.

On topic another thing i learned from Cataclysm is that if i find any strange liquid on a dead scientist’s person or in a lab of some kind, i should drink it.

Actually the PMG is the cheapest (military) gas mask I’ve been able to find at 25 bucks (although I’m going to spend an extra 20 for a full NBC suit 'cause why the hell not). I’d actually be spending more for the chance of cancer anyway.

Although if it were a WW2 German mask or something similar I’d jump on it if it were cheaper.

On topic another thing i learned from Cataclysm is that if i find any strange liquid on a dead scientist’s person or in a lab of some kind, i should drink it.[/quote]

Personally I’ve purchased a number of PBF masks and EO-19 filters, PMK and GP-5s and 40mm filters for these, both for me and for friends. On the 40mm at least, it’ll say the time of manufacture on it; generally anything after the really early 60s I’d trust since post-war asbestos filter manufacturing stopped.
Note: I am not responsible for asbestos inhalation due to following my instruction.

And on topic:
The four most important classes of items in the apocalypse in order of importance are: Food, Drink, Weapon and ALL OF THE BOOKS. Because nothing says survivor like an egghead with a Computer Technician’s Manual.

I learned that even a fat lazy slob with no combat experience can punch a zombie to death with his bare hands as long as he stands near a bush.

That’s good, because I’m a fat lazy slob with light combat experience, so clearly I will be invincible should the apocalypse come!

When it comes to gas masks, make sure to use new filters! Filters expire after like, a decade, even if they are never used. I know most of you are only going to use your masks for paintball and halloween, but just keep in mind for if you ever decide to, i dunno, waterproof something with silicone spray, you ought to use something that is actually certified to protect you!

I think the cheapest military surplus mask you can get still get new filters for is the Israeli civilian mask.

[quote=“keldoclock, post:65, topic:3983”]When it comes to gas masks, make sure to use new filters! Filters expire after like, a decade, even if they are never used. I know most of you are only going to use your masks for paintball and halloween, but just keep in mind for if you ever decide to, i dunno, waterproof something with silicone spray, you ought to use something that is actually certified to protect you!

I think the cheapest military surplus mask you can get still get new filters for is the Israeli civilian mask.[/quote]
There IS a 10$ Finnish gas mask but it uses crappy obsolete filters that would be a pain in the ass to get and is apparently not really recommended for any serious situation.

I myself am getting a Soviet PMG and NBC suit with it. The only issue i can find is i have no damn idea what type of filters it uses. I think it uses standard 40mm NATO filters but I’m not sure, either way worst case scenario i have a cool looking gas mask (albeit not a working one) and a protective suit.

ONCE MORE INTO THE TOPIC: being able to sew clothes is more useful than one may think at first glance.

I learned to cook.
It’s awesome.

Well actually I started researching cooking way before, when I went to implement crafting (and cooking) in a MUD I run. But Cata made me try so many new recipes!

I estimate my current cooking skill as 2. It was 1 after I did the MUD crafting and 0 before that.

Crucial note for those who are not in an apocalypse: ON A MACHINE! Sweet jesus do not try to like, make a shirt by hand. It took me 30 minutes yesterday to put a tiny little 1" x 6" patch onto my coat, just because I didn’t want to go down to the basement and get the machine and set it up. It would have been like 2 minutes with the machine. Admittedly it was a thick fabric and something like a hook needle or even just a thicker needle would have helped immensely, but no matter how you look at it, sewing machines are the way to go! You can buy them for <$100 if you get a used machine.

Oh, but have you tried padding elbows and knees with plastic chunks? :stuck_out_tongue:
You could also try refitting things to your waist or see what you could do with shoulder length, but the most curious thing to me is padding with just enough foam or cloth so your “lightweight” clothing items look really cool on you. And you can make pockets out of them, if the piece you’re working on isn’t a backpack whereas you should play with nylon leaf and netting pockets.