Welding rig?

The welding rig goes in the “center” slot. To get it on your flatbed, you just need to remove whatever part is taking up this slot on the tile you want to install the welding rig on. Some examples of parts that use this slot are:

trunks, boxes, etc.

Basically, anything that gets in your character’s way or is otherwise part of the “middle” of a vehicle is probably a “center” part. If you want a full list, just open vehicle_parts.json (it’s in your Cata folder under data/json) and look for the word “location”. It’ll show you every vehicle part in the game, and where it gets installed to.

Hope this helps, I’m glad people seem to get so much use out of the crafting stations, like the welding rig.

You need to install it on an empty frame.


[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:42, topic:3270”]You need to install it on an empty frame.


Was this changed recently? Or is it just the ORDER of installation that matters? I have a welding rig with a battery and plating on the same tile.

Also, I have a related question.

Why do my welding rigs, kitchen units, chemistry labs etc on my truck keep ending up in “red” damage? I’ve not really been doing much crashing into things. Enemies have hit the outside of the vehicle a bit but not enough to do much damage. Light green damage to the outer surfaces of the vehicle translates to all my kitchens etc nearly blowing up?

What the hell?

How do I prevent this? I’m not sure what the new vehicle materials like heavy duty frames do exactly…

Batteries don’t matter. In my mind ,they always went under the rig/unit.

And yes, order probably does matter.

[quote=“DG123, post:43, topic:3270”]Also, I have a related question.

Why do my welding rigs, kitchen units, chemistry labs etc on my truck keep ending up in “red” damage? I’ve not really been doing much crashing into things. Enemies have hit the outside of the vehicle a bit but not enough to do much damage. Light green damage to the outer surfaces of the vehicle translates to all my kitchens etc nearly blowing up?

What the hell?

How do I prevent this? I’m not sure what the new vehicle materials like heavy duty frames do exactly…[/quote]

I think they’re just really really fragile. They last a longer if you put other things into that same location, especially armor plating. Batteries, platings, and etc take up a different slot and thus can be co-installed with a welding rig.

Heavy duty frames don’t (AFAIK) have any special effects, they just have increased durability at the cost of weight and rarity.

I’m not sure on whether order of installation matters. I’d like to see that cleared up too but I think the answer is “no” because of the slot system (as Nature’s Witness explained above).

Time to try to put heavy plating on the rigs then… I just hope I can do that on tiles that are inside the vehicle interior like the kitchen unit.

Your parts shouldn’t be damaged by attacks from the outside unless it’s collision with another vehicle

Which while better, it’s still buggy as hell. I’ve lost 15 ton vehicles to bicycles.

Only another vehicle? Not a building?

That’s a bit… insane if true.

But I did just plough through a house at 70mph without taking a single unit of damage anywhere…

[quote=“DG123, post:48, topic:3270”]Only another vehicle? Not a building?

That’s a bit… insane if true.

But I did just plough through a house at 70mph without taking a single unit of damage anywhere…[/quote]

Don’t quote me on this because I’ve never used anything under a ton very long but I don’t think heavier vehicles are damaged as much by collisions with buildings. That said if the “contact” point of your vehicle has fragile bits I’m almost certain they always break. (Hence why I’ve got a “plow” on my vehicle)

Aha. Mine weighs about 3 tonnes and the entire front is hard plating.

I’m considering making a plow too.

[quote=“EkarusRyndren, post:47, topic:3270”]Your parts shouldn’t be damaged by attacks from the outside unless it’s collision with another vehicle

Which while better, it’s still buggy as hell. I’ve lost 15 ton vehicles to bicycles.[/quote]
Saaaaaay what again?
Excuse me while I go pave a road through the forest to go destroy a town.

I Personally put two wide wheels on it so it pulled easier and made a trunk for it.I also put a mounted electric forge (Since were going for battery-less-ness) And filled it with my metalworking tools as well. Now i can actually use UPS powered weapons and not feel like i’m slowly killing myself with every shot!

Edit* Oh, and of course the RV Kitchen unit. And i keep it as a cart so i can use it as more or less a mobile base. that i dont need to worry about crashing and throwing myself into a rebar spiked wall >.>