Weird spawn behaviour

Greetings fellow survivors!

I’ve started playing Cataclysm at version 0.6 I think(well to be exact at 0.1 until I knew there was DDA with version 0.6). I had issues with the whole ASCII graphics up until I watched a Let’s Play to get into it but I totally forgot about the game up until recently and well…tiles! =)

Now my issue is that I get weird spawns of enemies. For example I only saw swimmer zombies or child zombies…was that changed and are cities not that full anymore? Except for the occasional Eye Bot of wasp I didn’t see anything. I made a new folder without changing any options( I usually don’t like dynamic spawn as I’d like to have some progression thus I prefer static spawn) but then all I get to see are fungaloids…nowhere near a fungal bloom?!

Is something broken or did I accidently change something again? The way it is without that many zombies it was far too easy to take a whole city…anyone knows why that spawning is behaving that way?

Thank you for taking your time.

You’ve probably encountered this issue. What’s the decimal symbol set to? (presuming you’re on Windows)

When game reads saved options from data/options.txt, spawn rate is rounded down. At least on Windows with version 0.8-308-ge683a00... if the decimal symbol for Windows is set for something else than dot. Like when some of us eurotrash like to use comma.

Decimal symbol. The decimal symbol.

[quote=“Petethegoat, post:2, topic:3409”]You’ve probably encountered this issue. What’s the decimal symbol set to? (presuming you’re on Windows)

When game reads saved options from data/options.txt, spawn rate is rounded down. At least on Windows with version 0.8-308-ge683a00... if the decimal symbol for Windows is set for something else than dot. Like when some of us eurotrash like to use comma.
[/quote] That is partially it. But on my unchanged version I had noone except fungal spawns(without fungal bloom nearby). I've tried it out and now it works again...weird spawning indeed although I kind of liked not encountering those pesky brutes..oh well =)

The reason it was inconsistent is that some of the zombies use the “old static” system, while most of them use the “new static” system.