Weird black lines

I have this weird black lines when using any tileset.

Try toggling the software rendering option and restarting the program.

When I enable the software rendering, the black lines are thicker.
The same game directory (same game config) on my other pc, doesn’t show those lines…

It’s due to the terminal width/height settings under graphics in the options menu.

My monitor resolution is 1920x1080 and setting terminal width to 240x68 gives me black lines but 240x67 looks good, so try tweaking those values.

Yes, I’ve tried differents terminal values and the lines are always there.
Even fullscreen and windowed borderless.

I had the same problem when testing with a Windows XP VM. I’m not sure what is causing this but my guess is poor graphic drivers.

This might also be a bug with SDL on Windows XP.

Try updating your graphic drivers. Let us know if you get better results.

Yes, I will try that.
I’m on Windows 7.

EDIT: Well, same thing with latest drivers. Could be some videocard configuration issue?