Very agressive police!

Put hands up! Throw your weapon!

That was what the cop yelled at me, and when i obeyed his orders (for fun) HE TASERED ME TO DEATH. (I don’t know what i was expecting, tough).

Could it be plasible to make them knock you unconcious and transport you to the nearest jail? Then you should fight your way out. I think it is a fun idea, and it adds a bit of functionality both to robots and jails.

So the bots tase your ass, perhaps strip you into prison gear and throw your shit into evidence, which you can take the added risk to grab, or bail? I see it making the game alot harder if this happens. I like it.

Per the lore, when everything was beginning to go to hell in a hand basket, all the security bots were given kill orders. Then everything went to hell and there was no one and no command infrastructure left to override the kill order.

In an effort to combat the new threats of both large amounts of undead humans and various otherworldly horrors, the automated security forces are quickly reprogrammed to behave much more aggressively, killing threats instead of just trying to arrest them if they were supposed to, and adopting a much wider view of what constitutes a threat. Unfortunately, this backfires - they still fail to identify the undead as humans, and continue to ignore them since animals can’t be criminals, but the new settings lead them to turn on the human “trespassers” running the security network, and the networked security systems identify almost any living human as a hostile threat to be eliminated. The larger network itself collapses shortly afterwards, leaving no way to adjust the settings back, as each security unit - police station, military turret, autonomous hunter vehicle - reverts to independent control operating under the last instructions received

An NPC police officer? If so that is some ways is hilarious, but other ways i feel sorry for ya, especially depending on your progression. But i really like that they are doing stuff with the npcs now, for far too long it seemed to be one of those things they just didnt even want to mess with at all. I can see why, its a very complicated part of the game, I cant wait to see the npc’s and Z Lvls added in, i will live out being a dayz bandit-sniper, then ill try to be a hero but it seems being a hero in cataclysm might be somewhat dull, Unless of course they are willing to join you after you save their ass

[quote=“StopSignal, post:1, topic:5742”]Put hands up! Throw your weapon!

That was what the cop yelled at me, and when i obeyed his orders (for fun) HE TASERED ME TO DEATH. (I don’t know what i was expecting, tough).[/quote]

I tried that once. From that point forward I put my weapon down.

In the robit’s general direction, at a decent speed which resulted in it’s destruction.

Player gave you Mininuke(Active)

Why are they demanding surrender then?

Why are they demanding surrender then?[/quote]
Leftover programming from the time that they were set to attempt to apprehend first. Normally I would imagine they would do something like “attempt to get the person to surrender → open fire”, when they were issued new orders all it did was short-circuit the first part, skipping straight to the open fire part of the programming.

In an honest/meta sense I imagine it’s because NPCs arn’t quite up to complex behaviors yet.

Thus being why they neither attempt to process/apprehend you, nor lay the beatdown to some zombies.

Ideally I imagine they would detain you, strip you of equipment and shove you into a cell full of other ‘criminals’… possibly with the option to try and pay bail to avoid spending the night with a room full of zombie mutants.

Really, I’d figured these copbots would have trouble recognizing black people if they really couldn’t tell a zombie is/was human (there was actually a case or two where face recognizing cameras have had this exact problem, or believed asians were always blinking during a photo. While I could believe in a grim future police programed ‘rasis-bot’ I somehow think ignoring them entirely would NOT be the desired behavior.)

Do we always need to stick so slavishly to the lore? I get that it’s a useful to be consistent and we need a firm basis, but StopSignal/Blackops’ idea sounds REALLY fun.

Perhaps as a further element of balance, any serious mutations could cause the bots to view you as hostile, whilst being ‘plain’ could just end you up tased/in jail unless you overtly attacked. This would add a benefit to staying human, and the breaking out of jail thing would be great fun.

I have to admit, a fun scenerio that could crop up - this would be WAAAAAY down the line - would be sneaking into a prison, stocking it up with food/supplies, then intentionally getting arrested so the bots guard you.

Fun idea.

[quote=“secretfire, post:11, topic:5742”]I have to admit, a fun scenerio that could crop up - this would be WAAAAAY down the line - would be sneaking into a prison, stocking it up with food/supplies, then intentionally getting arrested so the bots guard you.

Fun idea.[/quote]
Hey mr Bot guard FUCK YOU throws pudding

Cops be cray yo.