Vehicle not working

Every time I trying driving a vehicle, it says the engine starts up but no matter what, even if examining it says so, I can’t drive because it doesn’t have enough wheels to. Does anyone else have this problem? I’m in the 0.C Cooper version, Windows 10, and SDL.

The first thing I’d assume is that it actually doesn’t have enough wheels, I might need a bit more information or possibly a save file to look at.

Does it have gasoline and electric charge?
Where are the wheels at?
Are any of the wheels destroyed?

Ok, I’ll make sure to check that the battery and fuel are charged. Does the color of the wheels show its damage, or something else?

Examine the vehicle with E, and look over the diagram tile by tile to find the wheels. If they’re greyed out, they’re completely demolished and have to be replaced. Usually, if a randomly generated car has one broken wheel, they’ll all be broken. You should also have a Wheels indicator on the Examine menu, which will show Enough, Unbalanced or Lack, depending on how many functional wheels the vehicle has versus how many it needs to drive.

Most of the vehicles I’ve found in 0.C have had completely broken wheels.

You can look in the bottom left of the vehicle info screen for "Wheels: "
If the status is “Lack” then this vehicle ain’t gonna roll.

Other things to check…on the status line, check the level of fuel and battery. Then look at the status of the engine, the controls, and the SEAT on the space where the controls are.

I think it was because the tires were completely destroyed. I now feel dumb for putting this in the Garage, since it’s not a bug. Oh well, I guess everyone’s a beginner at some point.

Everyone has their derp moments, ja. XP