Oh my god, you guys. Vehicle Additions Pack mod. Turbolaser turrets. They are the ultimate street cleaning device. As weapons they’re pretty good, but their short range and the huge explosions they cause mean you really need to think about where you’re firing them.
But once the killing is over, you can take all the time you need to line up the perfect shot on that pile of zombie corpses, and that’s where they shine. I have a set of three that I group-fire manually and they simply vaporize everything in the street, corpses and their clothes and scrap metal and everything else. They gobble up a pretty good amount of energy, but a sufficiently geared-out rig can easily support them. It takes a while to get the right skills and to hoard the right parts to build them, but holy dogshit is it ever worth it.
What you do is you build yourself a battlewagon. Just an absolute bomber with all the amenities and power to spare. Milcomp armor on every square. Armored wheels, roller drums, or tank treads only. At least four externally mounted and fully automated laser turrets. Laser cannons are better but pulse turrets are much easier to make and still very good for horde control.
Storage batteries. I usually go with ten. That’s enough to build a strategic reserve of power and conveniently equal to the complete output of one full load of plutonium through the minireactor. So if you’ve got 75% battery and 50% plutonium left on your status screen, you know you effectively have 125 out of 200 potential power remaining.
Get some solar panels up on your roof. At least 9 advanced solar panels even if you’re going full-crazy on roof turrets. A couple of big diesel engines with truck alternators for main power, with maybe like three fuel tanks along the centerline. Supplement with plutonium via minireactor as needed.
You basically shouldn’t need to burn plutonium unless you go out horde-busting specifically, but sometimes horde-busting will be a thing you need to do. Because you need to go into the file and enable hordes in your game, and then go into world settings and turn the spawn rate up to at least like 3x normal. Oh noes the plague is getting worse, the blob is adapting, whatever.
Now you’re rolling into downtown New England aboard a roaring nuclear hellbeast, blasting the stereo and flashing the lights and laying on the horn, daring the hordes to come out and meet you. If you’re not going “shit I think this is too many zombies this time” at this point then you need to turn the spawn up higher. You don’t even need to care about how big of a mess you make since you’ve got the turbolaser cannons as the streetsweeper of the gods.
You look at the game and you say, here’s how it’s going to be. We’re going to see what happens when we keep turning the spawn up. We’re going to see whether the game becomes unreasonably slow and unwieldy before or after it’s officially too much for anyone to handle. Turn it up. Re-enable those couple of “cheap” monsters you modded out.
If your survivor’s life isn’t one big Warhammer 40k Mad Max Metalocalypse perpetual death circus, you’re not going crazy enough yet. Smoke crack and inject mutagens while living on a diet of nothing but candy and meat, because you’ve got the leukocyte breeder bionic and the internal furnace and now your health rating is best expressed in terms of two-by-fours.
Become a mutant freak. Personally I’m sort of fond of the rat mutation line. Eater of the dead. Are you a bad enough dude to bite back at the zombie apocalypse? We’ll see who eats who!
Late game = best game! Get with it!