Tips, Tricks and Newb Questions: Reborn!

Whats a good weapon to deal with Zombies in power armor? Just started exploring a 0.E lab for first time.

Fiddy cal. Or if you can’t find one, heavy rail rifle.

If all else fails, Pied Piper 'em out into ground level and hit 'em with a car.

can someone give me the link to the github that has the info to make mods?, the one that says how to add new items and such

thanks n.n/
Edit: i found it xD

I’m currently using a sledgehammer. I always carry one as part of my ‘I might end up needing this’ cargo when I go exploring.

I wasn’t sure it would work so I dug a pit (using my entrenching tool from my ‘I might end up needing this’ pile) and dropped in some wood ready to play, ‘Let’s knockback zombie man!©’ but discovered that I didn’t need it. However my character has 6 bashing and 13 strength so it might not be a winning strategy for everyone.

It all went well until I opened a door and ran into a Kevlar Hulk and an Irradiated Wanderer. My radiation level jumped up to 6 as I ran away and after killing them and cautiously heading back to the room it increased again to 13. I probably didn’t run away quite so quickly that time due to radiation sickness.

I headed back to my little 4x4 and suited up in my Hub 01 environmental suit and grabbed my Geiger counter (taken naturally from my ‘I might need this’ stash). I found that a small section of the floor was heavily radioactive 1200 to 1500. So, the moral of this story? It’s the enemy you can’t see that you need to be afraid of! I mutated my starting trait of Quick into Slowfooted before I’d left the building (must add Prussian Blue and a flask of purifier to the pile…)

Sounds like your ‘I might end up needing this’ pile isn’t big enough. This is why I’m hauling around ~17 ton of loot. Some may call me a hoarder, but I’d argue that I’m simply prepared for everything.

Seconding .50 cal, single target magic if you’re playing Magiclysm can be good too. I’ve managed to cut up quite tough enemies with my Nodachi but some might have enough cut resistance to counter it.

It would seem I wasn’t ready to go looting a lab really, will look for heavier weapons next time.

My solution to armored zombies was usually to lead their slow butts into a room with metal doors, then close the doors and walk away. Much less trouble and expense than firing off .50 cal rounds or whatever.

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Someone here said tazers make a short work of arzeds. Something like 4-5 hits.

This is true, just tested it out. I used a powered quarter staff and got Armored Zombie down to Severely injured with 5 shocks. Would have needed a bigger battery to actually kill it though.

Oh, you mean those things that turrets drop 5x 100 belts of?

Convert it to a bigger battery or even UPS.

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Nail rifles have ceased to exist? Does anyone know why?

Is the vitamin system still in the game? How do I manage that? What symptoms are there for under/overdosing? Is it as borked as the esapi fix?

Vitamin system is technically still in game, but you don’t get any penalties for vit.deficiencies. Therefore, you don’t need to manage your vitamin levels at all. So I’d say it isn’t as borked as ESAPI vest.

Nail rifles were unrealistic scrap weapons, which no longer fit in the tone of the game and thus
were removed.

Oh, thank god lol. :slight_smile:

Im taking a hand in making a mod, and i noticed that some throwing weapons had an ammunition section to it


Screenshot from 2020-04-30 17-44-35

Is there any change on how the throwing damage works? (last i knew, it was calculated with the balance between volume and weight) or is just there so it can stack? , since rocks have it too, and is heavier than the throwing knife but still stacks as ammo

Edit: and does anyone has a recommendation for a program to make sprites? one that is easy/fast for newbies

So in the latest experimental the rail rifles and pneumatic weapons were removed and so was the nail rifle apparently:

So is there a mod already somewhere that brings back this category of home made weapons scrap weapons?

Returning with another vehicle question.
Do multiple, separate bike racks not play nice together? If I remove my other set of racks everything works just fine.

So the green square shows the 2 frames I’m trying to attach. The red/blue numbers show different bike rack locations I’ve tried.

bike racks

If I use the blue config and put two bike racks on the right side, it loads on just fine. However when I try to unload it I’m presented with 2 unload options (same vehicle name) and if I select the first one, only the inner frame gets released and the outer is permanently stuck to my main vehicle with no way to remove it through the bike rack. Choosing the second option successfully removes the whole 2-frame vehicle.

Additionally, I’m unable to unload it if my other bike rack vehicle is attached, instead giving me the option to unload only that one (but doing so doesn’t actually unload it since they’re attached to different tiles).

Now the red bike rack setup is just fucked. It wont present me with two options, rather it just always releases only the inner frame. Once it has done this, activating bike rack #2 gives me two options to unload, but neither one does anything.

Is it possible to send a NPC to collect food without having a faction camp? I was successful in terms of sending a NPC to chop trees but I do not see an option to send him to collect food. I have set a food zone in a farm field . My NPC has a backpack