I saw on a recent update log that items can have notes, but i cant find the option to put notes on items.
Also, is there a page on the wiki (or other place) that have that kind of “deep” info?, i didnt know that if you pressed “T” on the view nearby items window(“V”), you walked automatically to the item.
I know i could spend some time to search the keybinds but…
I’ve set up my camp in an evac centre, and I’ve upgraded through the bulletin board so it has a stove. I have a wood pile marked as a firewood stockpile, I have the raw ingredients ready, and there are cooking tasks in the bulletin board - but they all say I’m missing a cooking source with charges eg basecamp stove 2 charges).
how do i get ‘charges’ in my stove. I’ve tried putting wood in the stove, lighting it… and then i gave up. what am i missing?
If you want to use mutant meat without the morale penalty, you have to dehydrate it first. It wont get rid of the toxins though, which can lead to some severe long term side effects if you eat mutant food daily.
Is there any way to see your total bash/cut/etc resistance, preferably by body part? I’m especially interested in alloy plating bionics - there’s not a single part of interface that would say how much they add to protection of corresponding body part.
e: almost forgot. Water Dispensers found in military bunkers - are their resource infinite?
You can see all equipped armor + its values by pressing “+”. “Total armor” isn’t really a thing in Cataclysm because of how coverage works. Alloy plating CBM’s give 3 bash and cut protection IIRC.
To give more detail regarding ‘total armor’. Just adding up the total bash/cut protection doesn’t work given the varying coverage values for each piece. The coverage stat indicates the % of time that protection value is actually used. So you could have an awesome piece of armor that provided 20 cut/20 bash protection but if the coverage was 5 then it would only give that great protection 5% of the time. Coverage % is arguably the most important stat a piece of armor/clothing has.
Alloy armor does provide +3/+3 protection as noted.
Yes, the Water Dispenser in Military Bunkers has an infinite supply.
Neat. Haven’t encountered them in a while, and when I do I give them such a wide berth they might as well be the plague. Glad to know I can stop worrying about that.
Thanks for the info on alloy platings.
I already know about coverage and the + menu. What I wanted to see is what we already can kinda sorta see in equip/unequip screens, but sorted/divided by body parts like the right side of + screen. idk about majority, but seeing all(okay, most) of item’s properties in one line, and items themselves - and, therefore, their properties - being one under each other would be easier on my eyes than the current system of “select a piece of gear, then jerk your sight to the right to check its stats, then twitch back to the left panel to select next item, etc,etc”.
Another question: if I want to report bug, what files can be deleted from save directory? Or, rather, which ones should stay? Assuming the bug is happening in the same or adjacent overmap tile as the one my character currently is. Asking because my current world is at 686Mb already, 400+ of those being “maps” folder.
Get a ZIP archiver that supports PPMD compression algorithm (I’m using a free and open source 7-Zip, for example). Saved games are all in plaintext and PPMD is excellent at compressing exactly that. Around 70 megabytes should be easier to upload somewhere.
7zip packs under 70mb, still not low enough to post a bugreport on github(with direct attach) . That’s why I’m asking.
e: also, github does’t accept 7z for some reason.
i did some testing, and there isnt any difference between ethanol and methanol for the generation of cbm power, but on the food interface the energy its greater for ethanol, but it takes the both of them the same amount to fill the tank.
The interface is wrong, you’re right. I’ll try to fix it so that the amount of energy shown is the actual amount you’d get after burning all the fuel with your most efficient bionic.