Tips, Tricks and Newb Questions: Reborn!

I was thinking more along the line of other items to be able to being lit, like making a recipe of a wood stick with a rag, and having a throwable flaming stick when you activate it

@Mantar cant find that folder, and searching for the item.cpp throws nothing on the results :confused:

Tiny items, pocket knfe and such… and I think .22 pistols? Can’t remember what the maximum size was. I usually role with a tool belt, firefighter belt, or survivor harness.

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If I remember correctly, you can stash a sling or slingshot in a regular leather belt as well.

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Okay, I had to ask.

Because before just a few months back, the last time I had played was years ago and I remembered putting a Glock in my belt. Guess that was modified to accept only diminutive items now

Like Mantar said, cigarette’s ability to start fires is hardcoded and, if I properly understood the C++ code, is limited to lit cigars, cigarettes and joints. Unfortunately, this means you won’t be able to apply that ability to custom made items without changing the C++ code in the game’s source code, which is unavailable to us non coders and impossible with mere JSON changes.

The reason you can’t find item.cpp is because that file contains some of the source code of the game and is compiled into it.

ohhh ok. is the same think with things that start fires? like molotovs, or the arrows, or lasers?, i know the start fires in a different way though.

I have a noob question. Do water pumps run out of water eventually or are they a permanent source of water if you find one?

It’s permanent source

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I am not completely sure, but it seems like molotov’s explosion may also be hardcoded. I couldn’t find any information about its parameters in its JSON entry.

Lasers don’t start fires as far as I know.

Flaming arrows and incendiary ammo have the INCENDIARY flag which lets them light monsters (but not terrain) on fire.

You could make a custom effect for your flaming stick, but I can’t think of making it do what you want without it involving a custom explosion. And I’m not sure you want your sticks to explode after you throw them :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps not as ‘newb’ as some other questions, but one I’m really struggling with: how do you get vehicle-mounted turrets to do anything? Mine always say they’re offline.

It sounds like you might have forgotten to load the turret. (e)xamine the tile with the turret, and reload it. Hopefully you have lots of ammo.

Ah, exactly right! I saw an old thread that said you should drop the ammo on the turret, but that didn’t seem to work. Is there any way to reload while in the driver’s seat if the turret is adjacent?

Most certainly.

If you’re not currently driving the vehicle, you can (e)xamine the adjacent tile with the turret to reload it.

If you want to reload while driving, go into the (^) vehicle control menu, select (l)et go of controls, then (e)xamine the adjacent turret. The vehicle will continue to move while you reload. Afterwards, be sure to (^) regain control of the vehicle.

Does anyone how the “essence gem” from the Arcana mod works?, its like a magazine of some sort or what?

And how do you gain the mycus mutations, i have gained some, but the ones that i have doesnt seem to upgrade (like mycus flesh to fireproof)


cough * ingest various mycus things as far as I know * cough *


Don’t ingest just ANY strange fungal junk. What you want are Marloss berries.

Here is a guide for how to ‘go mycus.’ It is old, but the process hasn’t changed since.

If you find the mildly obfuscated guide confusing, highlight the blacked out bit.

i think i didnt explain well, i already went posthreshold, but im not getting anymore mutations/upgrades from the mycus.

mutation list

On another note, AFAIK, the mycus process should give any mutations right?, before getting to postthreshold i got my fast metabolism (the one from char gen) turned to very fast metabolism, it gave me disease resistance too, although that one got purified (as it should be as anyother mutation)

Are you eating Mycus fruits? Should be mutating when you do that, or during sleep, according to the guide, but I’ve never shroomed myself so I can’t say for sure. You might just be getting shafted by RNG if you’re doing all that and still not mutating, or perhaps something got broke.

im already only being able to eat mycus fruits, and i think something broke, since mycus fruits are supposed to make you full with just one, but not anymore.

Do NPC’s speed up construction?

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