Have plenty of food. Literally near like… 3 ant-hills. Only issue is that two of them are acid anthills, but the closest is of course, the normal ants, which between that, and the insanely ludicrous amount of booze I found in a town… that spawned with felt like (and is) a stupid amount of booze basements, and bars. I have enough kegs and the like of booze to last for… quite a long while. And of course, I have a rather easy and fast source of obtaining water, basically able to fill a few 200L containers and then go on a ant hunt right afterwards, then turning it into dehydrated meat, since that same water source also happens to be a salt water source, so… between the endless amounts of salt, water, and meat, I’m pretty set.
I hate Triffids to a point that I basically go out of my way to OVER-OVERKILL them. It’s like ‘Oh… a Triffid Grove. Time to go get the flamer… the… HEAVY flamer. And a handy ANFO charge or two, and some tear gas nades, maybe bring an M2010 FLASH with 16 rockets, JUUUUUUST TO MAKE SURE THAT HEART DIES’ then proceed to murder everything, human or not, in a 12 mile radius, because FUCK TRIFFIDS. (God forbid I have to deal with one that also happens to be near a Fungal Tower. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen with mapgen. But… mapgen can be QUITE DUMB.). Nuke it, nuke it, nuke it again, and then proceed to literally cover the place with enough C4, Pesticide, and Fungicide, that the place is void of any life.
I have… a rather… unhealthy amount of rags, leather, kevlar, plastic, etc… except chitin, and nomex. Need more nomex. So thread I have a huge abundance of. Kevlar I have so much of that, currently, all my Npc’s are rocking full Survivor Gear… and also all (permitting) of it is further modified with more kevlar. And they all have an ESAPI vest… (full durability.)
I DESPISE Triffids to what would be… roughly the equivalent of Doom Guy’s hate for Demons/Hellspawn. And THAT says something. Shame there isn’t a Fallout NV Quicksave and Quickload… cuz I’d abuse that just to kill Triffids forever. (I promise I’m not psychotic. <3. I really do truly have a rather unhealthy hate towards Triffids. Though for… a somewhat valid reason or a few.)
Fungus isn’t THAT bad. More of a War of ‘do you have enough Fungicide, Boolets, and other supplies than they do Units.’ And they’re not, in my experience, as hard to combat as Triffids, tho tbh, by the time I usually run into Fungal Towers, I usually have enough Fungicide and ammo (and other means of dealing with them.) to kill them pretty much outright, as I will home in once they show on the map (overmap. I do a lot of scouting via high buildings with binos. Huge help for discovering things.) and purge the place clean of contamination. One of my favorite ways is to just aggro a bunch of robits, and drag them there. Or you know… make a bunch of ‘hacks’ from all the inactive ones I looted, plus a couple or so ‘Town Cleanser’ vehicles with a crapload of turrets and just let them deal with the spores and the like, while I go to town on everything else. Big fan of the robit method tho. Especially if you find a Chicken Walker. That’s a fun time.