The Future: Playstyles

For the Enclave style, I’m envisioning something like the Tool Quality Rebalance to create value both in special locations in hostile territory, and to investing time establishing a base there that you care about and value.

I’m thinking something like having some high level gear require a variety of qualities, maybe one tied to one of those special locations (like a hospital), and other qualities to workbenches you have to construct because they don’t naturally spawn in that same place.

This encourages you to set up a base and defend it in possibly hostile territory. These are natural places that encourage the player to build a fortress then establish an npc faction to help them defend those locations while they’re out scouting for parts; and then to leave that faction behind (but allied) in case they ever need to return. And eventually to move on as they look for the special locations they’re going to need for the next piece of their dream equipment