The Forgotten Races (Alpha Released, Download Available)

curious? is that supposed to be code for “you either need to take more or less medication, not sure which?”


Anyway, I would still like to see spirits/ghosts and shadows.
They really wouldn’t be “spirits” but remnant information from conciseness*.

*Everything can be considered information including conciseness (citation needed.)

^ the most scientific approach to ghosts. Mandatory.

Malkeus was on IRC making this when I started doing tiles for mods, so I did his first:

Just 32 for now, I will pr them as soon as I make mags.

whats IRC in that context?

[quote=“Litppunk, post:19, topic:11223”]

I like that, it reminds me very much of Shadowrun’s tides of magic. And I smell some Lord of the Isles in there as well. It’s a unique take on the interaction between the 3 primal forces.

[quote=“Noctifer, post:22, topic:11223”]
Anyway, I would still like to see spirits/ghosts and shadows.
They really wouldn’t be “spirits” but remnant information from conciseness*.
*Everything can be considered information including conciseness (citation needed.)[/quote]

I have ghosts on the list of additions I’ll make once the current crop of races feels like a part of the world, I’m thinking some kind of ethereal being which doesn’t interact directly with the player, instead it will add a creepy vibe to certain areas. I want to shift to overmap specials as spawn points for all races, the monster_groups are to inflexible and prevalent. Ghosts could get placed in cloned versions of existing tiles, making hidden ‘haunted’ houses with very rare spawns elsewhere.

[quote=“Chezzo, post:24, topic:11223”]Malkeus was on IRC making this when I started doing tiles for mods, so I did his first:

Just 32 for now, I will pr them as soon as I make mags.[/quote]
Awesome! Thank you so much for this Chezzo, it really makes the monsters feel like part of the world. You are great :slight_smile:

IRC stands for internet relay chat, Cataclysmdda has a server available to talk in real time to other players about whatever you like: Kiwi IRC This is the address for the web client, just type in any name you like and join in.


I will be on very rarely for the next couple of weeks, issues at home require my attention. Thank you for your ideas and I look forward to your feedback. I’ll be around :wink:

It’s code for “you overthought this idea even more than I thought the lore for Arcana mod” actually.

And aw, we now have a Chesthole tileset for unofficial mods, but still no support for existing mods? o3o

Yeah, to follow up on what you asked, Malk, my impression of fantasy critter encounters was that their incredibly powerful - Mind you I only went a few rounds with them, but the goblins and the elves especially seemed quite capable of ruining my day in no time flat - The brutes certainly do so if/when they land their smash, but I occasionally have a guy manage to take them down without being completely wrecked at character creation. In the three characters I ran, elves flat out owned me entirely, and the goblins were just a step below that. Orcs felt about right - Just a step below brutes, painful but not particularly fast or dodgy, and halflings were similarly appropriate, like tuned towards middle kreks, accurate and dodgy but not super high numbers on them.

Didnt have anyone get in long enough to see the rest. I’d say you probably want the elves to be archers to differentiate them, but no entry level character had a remote chance of surviving an encounter with them.

Stone gargoyles guarding churches and graveyard, troll merchants and their caravans go town to town, minotaur farmers.

seems like elves should be largely friendly if not attacked, due largely to the fact that they have almost nothing to gain from attacking humans outright, and are smart enough to recognize that. At worst Elves should want to enslave what is left of humanity for cheap labor and cannon fodder for their archers, mages, warriors etc…

If the Elves are friendly it gives starter characters viable bases of operations (if they are given villages) and a great way to be introduced to the rest of the Races at a manageable pace, and told about them from a people that it makes sense to know about the other races.

Out of the forgotten races, which value gold more so to join you. I usually play low intelligence convict builds so I have no use for diamonds or gold aside from trading with npcs.

Edit: That could be a questline for the fantasy races is to plunder the riches in each town and city, because they don’t want to go toe to toe with brutes, etc. Maybe the same race trades with itself. Become fantasy Indiana Jones or Patches from FromSoftware.

(if it’s possible) win favor over certain races by warding off attacks through an npc dialogue. “Oh no! Kabolds everywhere, battle stations men!”

I had been thinking along similar lines.

(this thread definitely needs reviving if noctifier has taken over resurrecting it.

I love the fantasy genre so much, and immerse myself with it a lot. But I’d first like to say that I like litppunk’s ideas and views. It actually gives a good insight or base to work with.

Anyway, a lore explanation of ghosts, spirits, phantoms, etc. could be that the “natural” ‘flow’ of this world (a disturbance in the force, lol) meaning, time and space not to mention reality has convoluted so that things that were dead with a strong will could disrupt the “natural” of the world and anchor themselves as a “force”. This being said, it technically could also mean that the dead aka ghosts are pretty much in a state of “semi-reality” where they don’t exist but at the same time they do exist.

But that being said, I don’t think that spirits should all be hostile, hell, maybe you could form a “contract” with them in exchange for supernatural powers on par with mages.

Also, I think those with an inclination to magic would drain their “mana” from different sources, and have a limited amount of uses. Normal mages draw from the atmosphere, but those with a more darker inclination would draw from living things. I’m thinking you could even have those who are more inclined to a certain element, dark, light, fire, water, etc.

Some are blessed to be able to use all elements, some have a massive mana pool, while those who can only use one type excel in that, or those with a low mana pool learn to use their mana more efficiently. However, those with no inclination towards magic can’t use magic that can be projected outward of their bodies, but maybe they can enhance their own physical and mental abilities instead.

I like to think of a “gate” those with gates, one can use mana to project magic through their gate outward into the world. However, those who lack a gate cannot project mana outwards, but can only manifest it inward. So those with a massive mana pool but no gate could simply be a great warrior. However, here’s where spirits come in. Those who are in a contract with spirits can use THEIR gates, or simply themselves as a medium to project their powers. Of course, those with no magical inclination or mana capacity whatsoever could still use the spirits powers instead.

I’m thinking of more stuff to add, but it’s 3:48 am and texting all this out is tiring.

hmm, that would probably mean that ghosts and spirits fall into a natural (anti natural?) and magic category.

Edit: btw, Ive been told my idea was similar to shadowrun. Anyone have an opinion on the best way to devour shadowrun lore for thought? Ive been told to read the rulebooks. Anything else?

Most likely, yeah. I took a quick look at shadowrun but your ideas look really similar to the tabletop game, minus the fact that this is pretty much a mod.

I hope with all the fantasy stuff we can get dragons in caves or even more HP lovecraft stuff.