The entire point of hordes existence

Only for mininuke maybe. But 28 tiles looks too loud in general. Acutally it is like it was before.
And what about gunshots? Usaul one. Like from glock 19?

And intresting note. Before this PR (currently) gunshot from glock gave you 28 tiles. And I think that almost any gunsht gave you that distance. So, looks like horde hearing is dead broken now. Of course horde will hear if you dare to shoot.

You’re the one trying to change it, not me.

I’ve told you that zombies hearing gunshot’s across town isn’t unreasonable.

Sounds/6 ftiles sounds in the ballpark for horde attraction

So exactly in overmap tiles from what distance horde should hear gunshot?

  1. 8, 10, 15 overmap tiles? It is needed for balance.

Now we have 2 solution to this:

  1. Normalization of itervals.
    [Min sound int tiles, max sound in tiles] ==> [min signal in overmap tiles, max signal in overmap tiles]
    It is just rescaling of intervals.
    It can be cofigured to anything easily. We just need values.

  2. Simple way. Basically it is:
    Signal for hordes in overmap tiles = Volume in tiles/size of overmap in tiles (=24).
    Or simply: Sound/24
    Of course there is few caps and one modifer that can be easily set to zero.
    Without modifers shotgun shot should give you around 7-8 overmap tiles. That is good.

Both ways are implemented. But which to choose?
Also I genrally do not like idea that with hordes using guns guns is extreme measure. It should be possible to casually use guns and explosives at least outside the city.

Not a chance. You’ll be swamped with zeds within the week. Nobody else has supported such a curt range and this thread isnt evidence that your pr was ‘discussed and approved’

sound/6 sounds reasonable. Thats 10 tiles for a pistol. Thats entirely reasonable since its only a mile or so.


you act as if you cant use explosives and guns outside a city. Its entirely possible. Im not sure what experimentals you are playing on, but outside of cities its open season; theres no locations to spawn Zeds.

since we’re talking about using sound like a redneck outside of cities, why dont zanimals come to sounds?

Is there any scale in the game?

And that is one more reson to not make hearing for hordes big.

Devs will answer better. But it appers to be that answer is “Sometime” or “Somewhere”. All distances are relative. If you try to compare objects with map tiles you will see strange things. Like 2 tile beds and 1 tile robotank.

That means that exact disnatce measures will fail by gameplay reasons.

[quote=“pisskop, post:24, topic:12890”]Not a chance. You’ll be swamped with zeds within the week. Nobody else has supported such a curt range and this thread isnt evidence that your pr was ‘discussed and approved’

sound/6 sounds reasonable. Thats 10 tiles for a pistol. Thats entirely reasonable since its only a mile or so.[/quote]

160/6 is 26.(6).
It is kinda big.

Currently I have function on PR that calculates sound naturally as if it comes thru the map outside reality bubble. It has high cap, but it can’t easily removed.

Also I have suspicious that old variant worked not as I expected. If it is true than old signal formula actually work as volume/10 because of lenght calculation for hordes. If it is true pistol shot gives you 14 tiles not 28.

I don’t mind guns being really loud as long as the suppressor can mitigate the sound to a meaningful degree, and I don’t mean reducing it by something like 2 overmap tiles which is pretty much useless. Right now a suppressor does nothing, as the sound is still high enough for any gun to draw in hordes from the maximum range. It makes more sense, to me, that guns should draw more attention out in the fields than cities. I figure the urban-scape would help dampen sounds. I’m sure there’s a few things wrong with that logic, though.

IRL a normal rifle/ pistol being recognizable ~ 1 mile away in heavily wooded slightly hilly country is a given. Not sure how well that translates into the game, or if it would cause over-realism issues, but it probably makes a good comparison for changes. Especially considering more open country would block sound less, and paths over still water would almost amplify the sound making even whispers carry surprisingly far.

I do like the idea of overmap tiles having their own sounds to compete for your own noises. Seems like if the horde is heading away from you (say N of you Headed NW) and you make a loud noise, the slower zoms would enter reality bubble first, being closer since they are at the rear. Probably overly complicated on an already complicated game mechanic that doesn’t need additional complications to slow calculations.

What if, if the sound is far away enough, the hordes don’t exactly pinpoint your zone, but rather go to a point close to you (or your point itself, by chance) because they wouldn’t be able to exactly know where the sound came from?

It wil lbe logical. Actually game already uses some kind of “interest” system for horded. Louder shots will inrese interest faster. May ba laction can be connected with interest.

Also wtih new PR hordes will react on shot for aroud 6-7 tiles. Now I calculate signal in submaps (if I understand it right).

Also I added balancing coefficients, that allows to balance hearing easier. I am strating to think that 6-7 tiles may be not enough.
However with that distance if you see horde on overmap- then it will react on shot. It is nice rule.

Also hordes move pretty slow. It may take hours to reach you from 7 overmap tiles. That is why distance for shot should may be increased also.
Pisskop’s words about 10 tiles for shot actually make sense.

I had to turn hordes off. I enjoy guns, and with them on, one shot basically means the whole city is hot on my tail. This might not be as big of a problem if running smaller cities, but I run with max city size (16), with default spacing (4); one can easily see how this could become an issue.

Quick question: Does being inside a house/building affect how far the sound from a gunshot travels? Seems like trying to lure a zed into a building to reduce the report of the gunshot would be a nice change. Could work for loud sounds in general.